The world is on the threshold of a deadly pandemic. On December 31, 2019, the first cases of "an unusual pneumonia", later identified as the COVID-19, a coronavirus, were reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan. On January 11, 2020, the first death was reported. On January 20, other countries, including the USA, reported cases. Since then, the spread of this virus to the rest of the world has been rapid, reflecting the global connectivity of airline travel. Two strains of the virus have been detected in China. However, the more virulent strain appears to have spread internationally. Globally, the cases have reached 114,500 people, resulting in 4,000 deaths, in around 100 countries, although the majority of cases and deaths are in China. On January 31, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the outbreak a "global emergency." It has reportedly been on the verge of declaring the outbreak a pandemic, recognising that the spread is out of control, but has not done so, possibly out of concern that it could cause a global panic with unknown consequences. On the upside, the spread of the disease has slowed down dramatically in China, in large part due to draconian containment efforts of the government.
The virus is thought to have originated in bats, crossing into humans through the consumption of contaminated foods. The virus, when limited to the nasal and throat cavity, seems to run its course harmlessly. This is the case for 85 percent of those affected. However, if it moves down into the lungs and develops into pneumonia, it can become deadly. Of those infected, about 15 percent develop into serious illness and about a quarter of those succumb to it. The disease tends to be harder for the elderly people and those with compromised immune systems or breathing problems.
In China, Singapore and Thailand, where the disease hit early on, around a third of the cases are now listed as active, with the rest having ended, with the majority in a full recovery. In most Western countries, where the spread of the disease has been limited or came later, the share of active cases are high and fatalities lower. The quality and robustness of health care systems may make a difference for the number of fatalities.
Uneven spread

The spread of the COVID-19 has been uneven, both in terms of number of cases and when adjusted for population size. The 'per capita' figures are quite divergent. Using per capita adjusted figures for infections in China as a barometer, we obtain an index of China = 100. We can then easily see that the per capita adjusted spread has been more than three times more intensive in Iceland and almost three times as intensive in Italy and South Korea. In Iran the spread has also been considerably more intensive than in China. High mortality rates have been reported in China, Italy and Iran. The spread of the disease has also reached the highest echelons of government in Iran, with e.g. the first Vice President of the country having fallen ill. No fatalities have been reported so far in Iceland, where the illness surfaced only recently.
Good policies may limit the spread and advances in medicine and quality of patient care may affect the mortality rates. In the USA, UK, Thailand and India, the degree of the spread has been almost negligible compared to China. Specific measures were taken by the US government to close the "borders" with China in January 2020, after the spread of the virus began to be reported there. In the small, open economy of Iceland, the spread is linked to the popular "ski tourism" to the Italian and Austrian Alps, where outbreaks were large. Italy has, so far, been the worst affect country on mainland of Europe. All the skiers were brought back into the country and they and those they have interacted have been quarantined. In Spain, a man infected with the virus has been cured with HIV drugs. However, the efficacy of these drugs may not be the same for everybody.
From the perspective of astrology, the spread and its effects are seen in terms of the national horoscopes. In this article, we look at three countries with Cancer rising horoscopes: Iran, Iceland and USA. In these charts, the slow moving Jupiter and Saturn become functional malefic planets. In particular, Jupiter is 6th lord of illnesses while Saturn is 8th lord of mortality. In natal astrology, Mercury is the general indicator of the bronchial tube, lungs and nervous system, and thus breathing. This is seen when Mercury is weak and/or afflicted, as anxiety or nervous breakdown can result that tends to be associated with breathing difficulties. As 3rd lord in a Cancer rising horoscope, Mercury thus also becomes the indicator of the respiratory system. While Mercury and the 3rd house have slightly different emphasis in mundane astrology, it is not illogical to think that if Mercury is afflicted in the mundane horoscope, respiratory illnesses are more likely to be experienced by the general population. Due to different natal configurations, periods and transit contacts in 2020, the developments in these countries have not been identical and will likely continue different this year.
Iran has been hard hit by the COVID-19 virus. In the tentative 24° Cancer rising horoscope, the Jupiter-Venus period is operating. Venus, as 4th lord of homeland and communal harmony, is placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings, under aspect from 8th lord Saturn in the 2nd house of close neighbours and status. This suggests the indications of Venus are harmed. Major period lord, Jupiter, is the 6th lord of illnesses of the general public. It is strong in its sign of exaltation, at 5° 30' Cancer, and the 1st house. In 2020, transit Saturn, as 8th lord of obstacles and endings, is moving across 5° Capricorn, where it forms an exact aspect to Jupiter. This is a violence inducing aspect. Transit Saturn has also been casting a three house aspect to natal debilitated 3rd lord Mercury, ruling transportation and Mars, as 10th lord of government, in infancy in Pisces and 9th house. The transit influences of Saturn as 8th lord explain well the spread of the virus in the country, including in the top echelons of government. The combination of transit 6th lord Jupiter and transit 8th lord Saturn in opposition to natal Jupiter during the summer, but more intensely in December 2020, is expected to bring greater problems, involving the possibility of violent events with lethal outcomes.
Iceland has also been hard hit, although no deaths have yet been reported. In the 3° Cancer rising horoscope, the Mercury-Mercury period is operating since February 9, 2020.
Mercury as 3rd lord is well placed in the MEP of the 4th house in conjunction with and combust by 2nd lord Sun. This placement gives analytical intelligence, literacy and high tech. These two planets are also in opposition aspect to 1st lord Moon in the 10th house MEP, which makes the collective entity respected, affluent and influential. However, as Sun and Mercury also receive an aspect from 8th lord Saturn in the 2nd house MEP, there are not infrequent obstacles and endings for the indications of 2nd lord Sun and 3rd lord Mercury, but also easy gains.
On February 28, 2020, the first coronavirus infection was reported. By March 10, the cases numbered 65. Transit 8th lord Saturn at 3° Capricorn and 7th house most effective point (MEP) was afflicting also the 9th house, 1st house and 4th house, as well as 2nd lord Sun and 3rd lord Mercury in the 4th house MEP,, with the latter as the major and sub period lord. Transit 3rd lord Mercury is also in Aquarius and 8th house until April 7, 2020, adding to the strain of obstacles and endings. Some improvement is possible when transit Mercury enters its sign of debilitation, Pisces, and the 9th house. However, as transit 6th lord Jupiter moves into its sign of debilitation and 7th house on March 28, from where it aspects the 3rd, 11th and 1st houses, illness and financial stability could undermine its tourism sector. With transit 8th lord Saturn remaining in the 7th house MEP into early 2021, obstacles and endings are expected for the affected indications. The conjunction of these two slow moving planets in the 7th house MEP are likely to cause increased difficulty for the nation in 2020.
To date, the USA has had a relatively low incidence of the coronavirus infections, due in large part to timely preventive actions from late January. This is consistent with transit 8th lord Saturn moving into Capricorn and the 7th house on January 24, 2020, and the Sun-Mercury period beginning on February 2020.
The concerns about a deadly illness related to breathing are however consistent with the transit of 3rd lord Mercury in Aquarius and the 8th house until April 7, 2020. Mercury is also a general indicator of commerce and stock trading, hence problems have been seen there as well, with the US stock prices dropping 20 percent related to both concerns over the coronavirus, but also the price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, resulting in a 24 percent drop in the oil price. Investors likely see that sharp decline also as a result of the influence of the pandemic fears to reduce air travel and oil consumption. Moreover, the transit of 2nd lord Sun, ruling wealth and the leader, also in this house, has created a challenge for the assets and the legitimacy of the President. With transit 10th lord Mars, the general indicator of investor confidence, there is also concern over the influence of the 20 percent drop in stock prices in March on the economy and the ability of households and firms to repay their debts. Most of the transit problems involving fast moving planets will be less in April.
However, while transit Mercury will exit the 8th house and enter its sign of debilitation, Pisces and 9th house in early April, transit 6th lord Jupiter, ruling financial stability but also optimism and expansiveness, will also enter its sign of debilitation, the restrictive Capricorn, and the 7th house of leisure and foreign policy. While there, Jupiter will briefly become conjunct transit 8th lord Saturn from late April to early June 2020, and then more closely from early November 2020 to early February 2021, becoming exact at 6° 15' Capricorn on December 21, 2020. Fortunately, transit Jupiter will only be casting an aspect to natally strong 1st lord Moon at 7° 19' Taurus and the 11th house.
While the world is on the threshold of a deadly pandemic, it is likely the efforts to contain it will be successful, but not immediately in all countries. The transit of two slow moving planets in Capricorn, is likely to put a damper on economic growth, lending and employment around the world. The sudden problems this year from the virus for Iran and Iceland are likely to continue in 2020, especially when transit Jupiter and Saturn become conjunct. In Iran, conflict and debt problems are also likely, as natal exalted 6th lord Jupiter is afflicted. Fortunately, the transit afflictions involve a strong planet and are not in the house MEPs, reducing the setbacks. In Iceland, based on this tentative horoscope, the problems are expected to be more general, involving e.g. asset, transportation and leisure industries, but more so during the summer. In the USA, things are likely to improve from April, although the performance of the economy could be less robust during the year. Moreover, some problems are also likely to crop up there associated with the transit conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter.
Appendix: The Spanish Flu of 1918
A central tenet of horoscopic astrology is that significant events should be seen in any authentic national horoscope. In the week of October 26, 1918, deaths from the Spanish Flu reached a peak in the USA. at that time, the favourable Mars-Moon period was operating in the SAMVA USA chart. Indeed, the USA had earlier that year helped end the great war in Europe. However, the transits in late 1918 were quite adverse.
The virus is thought to have originated in bats, crossing into humans through the consumption of contaminated foods. The virus, when limited to the nasal and throat cavity, seems to run its course harmlessly. This is the case for 85 percent of those affected. However, if it moves down into the lungs and develops into pneumonia, it can become deadly. Of those infected, about 15 percent develop into serious illness and about a quarter of those succumb to it. The disease tends to be harder for the elderly people and those with compromised immune systems or breathing problems.
In China, Singapore and Thailand, where the disease hit early on, around a third of the cases are now listed as active, with the rest having ended, with the majority in a full recovery. In most Western countries, where the spread of the disease has been limited or came later, the share of active cases are high and fatalities lower. The quality and robustness of health care systems may make a difference for the number of fatalities.
Uneven spread

The spread of the COVID-19 has been uneven, both in terms of number of cases and when adjusted for population size. The 'per capita' figures are quite divergent. Using per capita adjusted figures for infections in China as a barometer, we obtain an index of China = 100. We can then easily see that the per capita adjusted spread has been more than three times more intensive in Iceland and almost three times as intensive in Italy and South Korea. In Iran the spread has also been considerably more intensive than in China. High mortality rates have been reported in China, Italy and Iran. The spread of the disease has also reached the highest echelons of government in Iran, with e.g. the first Vice President of the country having fallen ill. No fatalities have been reported so far in Iceland, where the illness surfaced only recently.
Good policies may limit the spread and advances in medicine and quality of patient care may affect the mortality rates. In the USA, UK, Thailand and India, the degree of the spread has been almost negligible compared to China. Specific measures were taken by the US government to close the "borders" with China in January 2020, after the spread of the virus began to be reported there. In the small, open economy of Iceland, the spread is linked to the popular "ski tourism" to the Italian and Austrian Alps, where outbreaks were large. Italy has, so far, been the worst affect country on mainland of Europe. All the skiers were brought back into the country and they and those they have interacted have been quarantined. In Spain, a man infected with the virus has been cured with HIV drugs. However, the efficacy of these drugs may not be the same for everybody.
From the perspective of astrology, the spread and its effects are seen in terms of the national horoscopes. In this article, we look at three countries with Cancer rising horoscopes: Iran, Iceland and USA. In these charts, the slow moving Jupiter and Saturn become functional malefic planets. In particular, Jupiter is 6th lord of illnesses while Saturn is 8th lord of mortality. In natal astrology, Mercury is the general indicator of the bronchial tube, lungs and nervous system, and thus breathing. This is seen when Mercury is weak and/or afflicted, as anxiety or nervous breakdown can result that tends to be associated with breathing difficulties. As 3rd lord in a Cancer rising horoscope, Mercury thus also becomes the indicator of the respiratory system. While Mercury and the 3rd house have slightly different emphasis in mundane astrology, it is not illogical to think that if Mercury is afflicted in the mundane horoscope, respiratory illnesses are more likely to be experienced by the general population. Due to different natal configurations, periods and transit contacts in 2020, the developments in these countries have not been identical and will likely continue different this year.
Iran has been hard hit by the COVID-19 virus. In the tentative 24° Cancer rising horoscope, the Jupiter-Venus period is operating. Venus, as 4th lord of homeland and communal harmony, is placed in the 8th house of obstacles and endings, under aspect from 8th lord Saturn in the 2nd house of close neighbours and status. This suggests the indications of Venus are harmed. Major period lord, Jupiter, is the 6th lord of illnesses of the general public. It is strong in its sign of exaltation, at 5° 30' Cancer, and the 1st house. In 2020, transit Saturn, as 8th lord of obstacles and endings, is moving across 5° Capricorn, where it forms an exact aspect to Jupiter. This is a violence inducing aspect. Transit Saturn has also been casting a three house aspect to natal debilitated 3rd lord Mercury, ruling transportation and Mars, as 10th lord of government, in infancy in Pisces and 9th house. The transit influences of Saturn as 8th lord explain well the spread of the virus in the country, including in the top echelons of government. The combination of transit 6th lord Jupiter and transit 8th lord Saturn in opposition to natal Jupiter during the summer, but more intensely in December 2020, is expected to bring greater problems, involving the possibility of violent events with lethal outcomes.

Mercury as 3rd lord is well placed in the MEP of the 4th house in conjunction with and combust by 2nd lord Sun. This placement gives analytical intelligence, literacy and high tech. These two planets are also in opposition aspect to 1st lord Moon in the 10th house MEP, which makes the collective entity respected, affluent and influential. However, as Sun and Mercury also receive an aspect from 8th lord Saturn in the 2nd house MEP, there are not infrequent obstacles and endings for the indications of 2nd lord Sun and 3rd lord Mercury, but also easy gains.
On February 28, 2020, the first coronavirus infection was reported. By March 10, the cases numbered 65. Transit 8th lord Saturn at 3° Capricorn and 7th house most effective point (MEP) was afflicting also the 9th house, 1st house and 4th house, as well as 2nd lord Sun and 3rd lord Mercury in the 4th house MEP,, with the latter as the major and sub period lord. Transit 3rd lord Mercury is also in Aquarius and 8th house until April 7, 2020, adding to the strain of obstacles and endings. Some improvement is possible when transit Mercury enters its sign of debilitation, Pisces, and the 9th house. However, as transit 6th lord Jupiter moves into its sign of debilitation and 7th house on March 28, from where it aspects the 3rd, 11th and 1st houses, illness and financial stability could undermine its tourism sector. With transit 8th lord Saturn remaining in the 7th house MEP into early 2021, obstacles and endings are expected for the affected indications. The conjunction of these two slow moving planets in the 7th house MEP are likely to cause increased difficulty for the nation in 2020.
To date, the USA has had a relatively low incidence of the coronavirus infections, due in large part to timely preventive actions from late January. This is consistent with transit 8th lord Saturn moving into Capricorn and the 7th house on January 24, 2020, and the Sun-Mercury period beginning on February 2020.
The concerns about a deadly illness related to breathing are however consistent with the transit of 3rd lord Mercury in Aquarius and the 8th house until April 7, 2020. Mercury is also a general indicator of commerce and stock trading, hence problems have been seen there as well, with the US stock prices dropping 20 percent related to both concerns over the coronavirus, but also the price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, resulting in a 24 percent drop in the oil price. Investors likely see that sharp decline also as a result of the influence of the pandemic fears to reduce air travel and oil consumption. Moreover, the transit of 2nd lord Sun, ruling wealth and the leader, also in this house, has created a challenge for the assets and the legitimacy of the President. With transit 10th lord Mars, the general indicator of investor confidence, there is also concern over the influence of the 20 percent drop in stock prices in March on the economy and the ability of households and firms to repay their debts. Most of the transit problems involving fast moving planets will be less in April.
However, while transit Mercury will exit the 8th house and enter its sign of debilitation, Pisces and 9th house in early April, transit 6th lord Jupiter, ruling financial stability but also optimism and expansiveness, will also enter its sign of debilitation, the restrictive Capricorn, and the 7th house of leisure and foreign policy. While there, Jupiter will briefly become conjunct transit 8th lord Saturn from late April to early June 2020, and then more closely from early November 2020 to early February 2021, becoming exact at 6° 15' Capricorn on December 21, 2020. Fortunately, transit Jupiter will only be casting an aspect to natally strong 1st lord Moon at 7° 19' Taurus and the 11th house.
While the world is on the threshold of a deadly pandemic, it is likely the efforts to contain it will be successful, but not immediately in all countries. The transit of two slow moving planets in Capricorn, is likely to put a damper on economic growth, lending and employment around the world. The sudden problems this year from the virus for Iran and Iceland are likely to continue in 2020, especially when transit Jupiter and Saturn become conjunct. In Iran, conflict and debt problems are also likely, as natal exalted 6th lord Jupiter is afflicted. Fortunately, the transit afflictions involve a strong planet and are not in the house MEPs, reducing the setbacks. In Iceland, based on this tentative horoscope, the problems are expected to be more general, involving e.g. asset, transportation and leisure industries, but more so during the summer. In the USA, things are likely to improve from April, although the performance of the economy could be less robust during the year. Moreover, some problems are also likely to crop up there associated with the transit conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter.
Appendix: The Spanish Flu of 1918
A central tenet of horoscopic astrology is that significant events should be seen in any authentic national horoscope. In the week of October 26, 1918, deaths from the Spanish Flu reached a peak in the USA. at that time, the favourable Mars-Moon period was operating in the SAMVA USA chart. Indeed, the USA had earlier that year helped end the great war in Europe. However, the transits in late 1918 were quite adverse.
- Transit Rahu was becoming stationary at 21° Scorpio and 5th house MEP, with transit Ketu stationary on the 11th house MEP, with the other odd numbered houses afflicted, including the 3th house owned by Mercury, and its 7th house of residence, as well as 2nd lord Sun on the 7th house MEP.
- Perhaps more importantly, transit 8th lord was becoming stationary at 5° Leo and 2nd house, in aspect to natal Moon at 7° Taurus in the 11th house. Indeed, death-like experiences were felt far and wide as deaths mounted into 1919.
- Transit 6th lord Jupiter was stationary at 23° Gemini and 12th house MEP, in aspect to natal 4th lord Venus, suggesting losses from illness were quite upsetting for the communal harmony.
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