The Pentagon Papers

Casting off the shackles of oppression
While the papers created a shock and indeed helped to end the war, the main legacy of this event is to have altered the relationship between the US media and government ever since. No longer would the media be subservient to the government as it had been during the Saturn period (1953-1972). At that time, a fear of nuclear destruction and the spread of communism ruled the mindset of the media and Congress. This is consistent with Saturn being the 8th lord in the SAMVA USA chart, ruling over obstacles and endings - the fear of death - and the belief of people in their government. In the Mercury period, all of this changed. Mercury is the 3rd lord of speech and action. It is the quintessential planet of communication. It is placed in the 7th house of others and foreign policy. Historically, this period has been associated with casting of shackles placed on freedoms. As this period dawned the freedom of the US Press was awakaned. The Pentagon Papers espisode has been called the "Declaration of Independence" for the free press in the USA.Nixon and Watergate
The episode also laid the seeds for the Watergate Scandal, as Nixon's reaction to the security breach was to become even more secretive and create the "Plumbers" outfit to spy, first on Ellsberg's psychoanalyst (to discredit Ellsberg), but ultimately the spying extended to the opposition party, the Democrats prior to the 1972 election (which Nixon won, despite the revelations of the Pentagon Papers). The newly freed press, with tacit support from an awakened Congress, went after Nixon and exposed his illegal actions, costing him the Presidency in 1974. This has been described in the article Downfall of a President.Astrological influences

Ellsberg began to plan the release of this study in early 1971, during the final year of the Saturn-Jupiter period. His efforts coincided with stationary transit of Rahu ruling manipulation conjunct the 2nd lord of status, the natal Sun ruling the leader of the country (the President) in the SAMVA USA horoscope. Indeed, the manipulations created great difficulty for the US President. Another important aspect was the stationary opposition of transit 6th lord Jupiter at 5° Scorpio and transit 8th lord Saturn at 5° Taurus, involving natal 6th lord Jupiter of conflict and natal 1st lord Moon of the identity of the USA. This aspect was consistent with the horrific phase of the Vietnam war when thousands of Vietnamese civilians and combatants alike were being systematically killed with huge bomb drops. The war had begun to tear at the psyche of the nation, not least due to such things as the My Lai Massacre, but LT. Calley was convicted for his part in it on March 29, 1971. Such events had a huge influence on the mores of the time.
There is a documented tendency of the US government to deceive the American people. In this regard, we may recall the natal conjunction of Rahu to the MEP of the 10th house of government and its aspects to the 2nd house of status, 4th house of communal harmony and the 6th house of conflict and court cases. That said, the manipulation is also considered a necessary attribute of modern statecraft to keep sensitive plans secret. The good and strongly placed Sun and Mars as 10th lord of government, are highly positive influences in the chart. So, the horoscope does not reflect an oppressive government at all, only that it has a tendency for manipulation.
In addition to the many accurate predictions based on this horoscope, such studies of the changes in national affairs coinciding with a change of planetary periods, in this case from the Saturn period to the Mercury period, reveal the simple fact that if there was ever a system of astrology and a horoscope to accurately reflect the history of a country, in this case the USA, it is the Systems Approach (SA) and the SAMVA USA chart.References
Wikipedia on the Pentagon Papershttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon_Papers
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