In a blog The year ahead for the USA on December 31, 2007 the following prediction was made:
Crisis in the fall
"The astrological situation will become decidedly more intense from late July. At that time, the Moon´s nodes. Rahu and Ketu, will go into stationary motion over the natal Sun in the chart at 23° 44' Capricorn in the 7th house. At that time, PROBLEMS OR STRESS will be felt from foreign affairs, the WEALTH OF THE COUNTRY (possibly having to do with a reduction in the value of the dollar or stocks)...This aspect peaks at the end of September and the situations that arise are expected to gradually ease in the following weeks. "

Moreover, "the aspect of transit Jupiter to transit Saturn ...is within 1° orb from 2-19 September 2008 around 19° Sagittarius and Leo. Both transit Jupiter and transit Saturn will then be under the aspect of natal Rahu at 18° Aries and 10th house, adding to the potential for violence. The aspect may find expression in relation to the WEALTH, STATUS and relations with neighboring countries as transit Saturn is within the most effective point of the 2nd house when it becomes dual afflicted. ...The difficulty could be severe at that time (message on Political Astrology list on Yahoo on August 30, 2008 7:20 PM).
Manipulation highlighted
The nature of the problems was also highlighted in the prediction:
- "In late August and into September, transit Saturn and transit Jupiter will be closely aspected by natal Rahu, These aspects suggest that there may be some MANIPULATION INVOLVING THE ACQUISITION OF EASY GAINS, beliefs of the masses, religious views or FINANCIAL MATTERS.
Another stunning prediction
Vedic astrologer V.K. Choudhry made the following prediction on SAMVA list on August 29, 2008 11:47 AM:
- "Transit Mars, Venus and Mercury would be in exact or very close conjunctions between 13th to 15th September, 2008, and these three planets would be under the exact affliction of Rahu. Simultaneously, Jupiter would also be closely influencing Saturn. The Sun would be quite weak to offer the protection...
- These afflictions may pose further challenges to the world economy as its impact is significant in the charts of countries like USA, India, China, UK, France, etc. etc."
Looking ahead
Importantly, it has also been predicted based on the SAMVA USA chart that while the financial crisis may result in difficulties for individual banks, the US financial system should remain intact. Moroever, the turmoil should become easier from the first week of December 2008 and then diminish progressively from mid February 2009.
A weather prediction was also made with regard to the influence of faster moving planets:
- "...in MID SEPTEMBER, when several planets, VENUS, MERCURY and MARS will be transiting at 24° Virgo and 3rd house where they will come under the aspect of transit stationary Rahu at 24° Capricorn and the 7th house…THE DISRUPTION COULD BE QUITE PRONOUNCED FOR A FEW DAYS."
(Message #15734 on the SAMVA discussion list on Yahoo - Saturday, August 30, 2008 11:59:53 PM) - "The expectation is that THE WEATHER MAY TURN OUT WORSE IN MID SEPTEMBER, when Venus becomes closely afflicted by transit stationary RAHU along with its dispositor transit 3rd lord MERCURY and also 10th lord MARS." (Message #15751 on the SAMVA discussion list on Yahoo - Monday, September 1, 2008 2:17:43 PM)
Devastating Ike rips southeast Texas
Associated Press - 3:18 AM PDT, September 13, 2008
Thousands who stayed now call for help as homes flood, roads wash out and fires burn unabated . http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-ike14-2008sep14,0,5282058.story
Hurricane Ike leaves 4-plus million without power
[1] Lehman´s books get inspected
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