The Gilded Age (1865-1896)
The Gilded Age is considered to have reigned in the USA for roughly the three last decades of the 19th century. [1] This age began with the reconstruction following the destruction of the Civil War. Moreover, as the western lands were conquered, the massive infrastructure development expanded into the West. The Gilded Age was a period characterised by rapid population growth and extravagant displays of wealth and excess of America's upper-class during. Businessmen created industrial towns and cities in the Northeast with new factories. Railroads and the telegraph gradually connected all parts of the country. Along with the super-rich industrialists and financiers, an industrial working class emerged and it pushed for greater political representation.

At the middle of the 19th century, the USA and Europe were judged to be at the same level of productivity and per-capita income. However, over time Europe fell steadily behind the USA. The USA showed a fundamental advantage in fostering and exploiting innovation. Moreover, American’s were more willing to work hard and long. In other words, there was a steady reduction in hours worked per person in Europe compared to America. Moreover, after the Civil War in the USA , there was increased political unity there, which fostered large-scale material-intensive manufacturing and a set of marketing innovations. [2] Importantly, the economic dynamism is very much seen in the natal potential of the SAMVA USA chart and is, therefore to one degree or another, an ongoing feature of the national life. Accordingly, while the major periods of Mercury, Ketu and Venus in the 19th century were associated with economic progress it was attended by sever panics and recessions as well as great social upheaval and tensions.
Astrology of the Gilded Age

A comparison to the second cycle of the periods of Mercury (-April 1989), Ketu (-April 1996) and Venus (-April 2016) may be helpful. The Mercury period was associated with the Reagan boom and the stock market upheaval of 1987. Problems with banks and Savings & Loans in the 1980s and into the early 1990s were associated with an economic recession in the early 1990s. In terms of infrastructure development, the growth of the internet, personal computers and cell phones have been some of the signal events, creating a new set of billionaires. The role of the USA also changed following the fall of Soviet Communism and this caused some political challenges associated with the US taking on the role of global policeman. During the Venus period, a housing boom and collapse was followed by a financial crisis and an economic recession in 2008/09. In racial and ethnic relations, the US has had ongoing challenges. The Rodney King beatings ushered in racial riots in LA and other cities in the early 1990s. In the Venus period, President Clinton became caught up in the sordid Monica Lewinsky scandal, resulting in legal proceedings leading to his impeachment but not removal from Office. The "political correctness" of speech became the source of several national incidents involving racial epiteths of radio personalities in the Venus period. Following the "9/11" attacks in 2001 there was a surge in patriotism and concerns arose that civil liberties would be curtailed. At the same time, this period has seen the election of the nations first black President. While great hopes have been attached to the election of President Obama, it is possible he will not accomplish as much as many are hoping for and that the reforms enacted will in the first instance only add to the financial and economic problems. Alternatively, there may be some backlash to such social progress. The good news is that the period of Venus is about to end.
The Progressive Era (1897-1920)
The Progressive Era in the United States was a period of reform which ushered in the 20th century as progressive century. [3] The Progressive Movement, as a response to the challenges of industrialization, urbanization and immigration, advocated a wide range of economic, political, social, and moral reforms. Initially the movement was successful at local levels, and then it progressed to state and gradually national. Both the reformers and their opponents were predominantly members of the middle class. In U.S. history, the term progressivism refers to a broadly-based reform movement that reached its height early in the 20th century. The initial progressive movement arose as a response to the vast changes brought by the industrial revolution. While the Progressive period has been associated with reforms, there were plenty of problems and challenges that had to be met in those days. [4] However, the tenor of national life was much more positive than in the earlier Gilded Age.
The Panic of 1907 interrupted a decade long period of high economic growth in the USA. While the panic was real, its effects were soon drowned out in continued economic dynamism. A V-shaped recovery set in already in 1908. After 1913, the US economy surged further ahead, due to its early exploitation of the great inventions of electricity and the internal combustion engine, while Europe was distracted by wars and interwar economic chaos.
Astrology of the Progressive Era

We can see that the Gilded Age was replaced by a much more confident and progressive era in US national and political life. This is consistent with the major planetary periods of the time. The national life in the USA since the 1980s has been characterised by great economic progress, with notable advances in communications infrastructure. However, imbalances, financial panics and social tensions have also been there. The forthcoming periods of the Sun (April 2016 - April 2022), Moon (- April 2032) and Mars (- April 2039) indicate that the US will experience a return to considerable progress in the national life during these periods, associated with policies that lead to a reduction in tensions over inequality or injustices, consistent with earlier such periods in the national life.
[1] Wikipedia: The Gilded Age
[2] Robert J. Gordon, 2004, “Two Centuries of Economic Growth: Europe Chasing the American Frontier” NBER Working Paper No. 10662.
[3] Wikipedia: The Progressive Era
[4] Progressive era slide show
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