The transit and period influences in the chart during November 2008 are then reviewed in view of a prediction made in an article The year ahead for the USA on December 30, 2007.
The natal potential in the chart

1. Abraham Lincoln shot (Died)

Astrological dynamics:

These are MASSIVE TRANSIT AFFLICTIONS of the transit SUN. The event takes place during a malefic period and involves and affliction of the transit SUN by both 8th lord and sub-period lord! This is a convincing fit for the SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union). It should be kept in mind that Lincoln's assassination came at the very end of the American Civil War, within a week of the surrender by the rebel Confederate Army. The assassin John Wilkes Booth, a well-known actor and a Confederate spy from Maryland, was intent on avenging this fate on President Lincoln, the powerful leader in the war to preserve the Union of the American states.
2. James Garfield shot (Died)

"The article says he arrived at the station about 9:20 and talked in his carriage for a short time before walking into the depot reception area where he was shot. The location of the old depot is now where the west building of the National Gallery of Art stands."
Astrological dynamics:

These are MASSIVE TRANSIT AFFLICTIONS during a malefic period involving both the sub-period lord and directed at the transit Sun. This is another very convincing fit for the SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union)
3. William McKinley shot (Died)

"These articles give details but no time better than shortly after 4 o'clock. In the Sept 8 edition on page 2 Surgeon General Wyman is quoted as indicating a time "as late as 4:10 pm." The exact time of 4:07 pm comes from Margaret Leech's In the Days of McKinley on page 595 as part of her detailed description of the days events. There is no footnote, however. The time may be from "The Official Report on the Case of President McKinley" found here: http://ubpanam.buffalo.edu/medical/officialreport/report3.pdf
The reception in the Temple of Music at the Pan-American Exposition began at 4 o'clock and was to continue for only 10 minutes. The assassin was a self-proclaimed anarchist named Leon Czolgosz. There was considerable fear on the part of some of his associates about the President exposing himself to the public and extra precautions were taken. McKinley dismissed these fears saying that he had no enemies. McKinley died on Sept 14 in the private home of the President of the Exposition, John G Milburn. Coords are for the Exposition site between Delaware and Elmwood Avenues north of Delaware Park. "
Astrological dynamics:

Here again are MASSIVE TRANSIT AFFLICTIONS during a benefic period involving afflictions to both the sub-period lord and transit Sun. There is also a transit affliction involving the natal nodes from malefic houses. This is another convincing fit for the SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union).
4. Theodore Roosevelt shot (Survived)
14 Oct 1912 ~7:55 pm CST Hotel Gilpatrick (Hyatt Regency Hotel) 333 W Kilbourn Ave. Milwaukee, WI N 43° 02' 28" W 87° 54' 54"
Source: NY Times, 15 Oct 1912, for "shortly before 8 o'clock to-night." http://www.xefer.com/2008/04/roosevelt

Astrological dynamics:

Here again are difficult TRANSIT AFFLICTIONS during a malefic period involving afflictions to both the sub-period lord and natal Sun. An assassination attempt is made, resulting in an injury but not death of the Office holder. This is another convincing fit for the SAMVA USA chart (Perpetual Union)
5. John F Kennedy (Died)

"Oswald was a pro-Castro Marxist and former US Marine who had moved to the USSR and married a Russian wife. He had been under FBI surveillance since his return to the US. The coords are for the Texas School Book Depository building where Oswald worked and from which the fatal shots were fired. Texas Governor John Connolly was also seriously wounded but survived."
Astrological dynamics:

These MASSIVE TRANSIT AFFLICTIONS and OPERATING PERIOD reflect 100% the great trauma this event caused for the collective experience.
6. Ronald Reagan shot (Survived)

Astrological dynamics:

These are also MASSIVE TRANSIT AFFLICTIONS and OPERATING PERIOD reflect the trauma of this event, when several people close to the President were seriously injured, as well as the President himself. After Reagan quipped to his medical doctors about to operate on him that he hoped they were not Democrats, the head doctor replied "Today, Sir, we are all Republicans!" Even if serious, the saving grace is likely that the nodes were not stationary afflicting the transit SUN and that natal SUN and its house were not afflicted.
Difficult transits in November 2008
As has become clear, the US President is in continual danger and vast resources are devoted to protect his life. Two known assassination attempts have already been made on the life of sitting President Bush. Fortunately, they did not succeed. With the possible election of an African American to the Office for the first time, there are reasons to be concerned for his safety in view of reported threats by "white power", "neo-nazi" and other such groups.
The transits in November suggest that special care should be taken, during the Venus-Jupiter period. On November 3, transit Ketu becomes conjunct the most effective point of the 1st house, aspecting also houses 5, 7 and 9. Meanwhile Rahu on the MEP of the 7th house aspects also houses 11, 1 and 3. This suggests considerable tension at this time. At the same time, around election day, the transit debilitated 2nd lord SUN becomes conjunct natal KETU in the 4th house. Something unexpected may take place. Also around that time, transit 4th lord VENUS becomes conjunct natal 8th lord SATURN just as the voting results come in. These transits suggest a sudden disruption to the collective harmony. The dissatisfaction peaks on the 7th, as earlier mentioned, but continues to be strongly felt for more than one week. It is likely, no matter who wins, that some groups of citizens will be upset. Given the transit affliction involving SATURN, it may be more the working people.
During the middle of November the transit afflictions become quite bad. Around the 12th of November, the affliction of transit 6th lord JUPITER to natal VENUS and the nodal affliction to the most effective point of the houses will still be acutely felt (within 1° orb). Moreover, transit 3rd lord MERCURY will be conjunct natal KETU, transit 10th lord MARS conjunct natal JUPITER while transit debilitated 2nd lord SUN will come under the aspect of transit 8th lord SATURN in Leo. A few days later, the violence inducing aspect of transit 6th lord JUPITER to transit 8th lord SATURN comes within 1° orb and begins to be acutely felt. As that were not enough, a day later, transit 8th lord SATURN comes under the aspect of natal SATURN. On November 16th, transit 3nd lord MERCURY comes under the affliction of transit SATURN.
To sum up the transits in November, the key afflictions involve transit 8th lord SATURN from mid November. These afflictions are difficult and they will be compounded by short term afflictions during the middle of the month. The key afflictions continue for the remainder of the month. All of this suggests there will be a strong sense of discontent following the election followed by possible violent events during the second half of the month.

To sum up the transits in November, the key afflictions involve transit 8th lord SATURN from mid November. These afflictions are difficult and they will be compounded by short term afflictions during the middle of the month. The key afflictions continue for the remainder of the month. All of this suggests there will be a strong sense of discontent following the election followed by possible violent events during the second half of the month.
The deadly assassination attacks on US Presidents may be linked to afflictions of natal or transit SUN as a primary cause, with serious afflictions involving functional malefics in the chart, especially when involving malefic houses. The involvement of FB planets in afflictions can increase the shock of the event.
In a prediction on December 30, 2007 for the year ahead in the USA, it was predicted that there would be upset following the election and that two very serious aspects later in the month could result in violence. It is not certain it will be directed against the sitting President or President-elect, but it is something to be concerned about.
President Abraham Lincoln shot (died):
President Garfield shot (died):
President Garfield shot (died):
President William McKinley shot (died):
President Theodore Roosevelt shot (survived):
President John Kennedy shot (died):
President Ronald Reagan shot (survived):
List of United States presidential assassination attempts
1 comment:
The article suggested peak danger for the President would be in early November 2008, at the time of the election.
In the event, several plots to kill Barack Obama were exposed in the fall of 2008, the most serious of which was in late October 2008:
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