The year 2013 turned out to be more eventful than the previous year (2012)
as predicted based on the SAMVA USA chart. In 2014, the Venus major period and
Mercury sub-period continue to operate. A few important transit influences are, however, likely to result in significant events that will dominate the national news during the year. The nature of the expected trends and timing of likely developments in 2014 are discussed in greater detail below, with predictions highlighted in bold letters.
Venus major
period (1996-2016)
Natal Venus is weak in the SAMVA USA chart making its indications
vulnerable to setbacks associated with transit afflictions. As 4th lord of
fixed assets and domestic harmony, Venus is badly placed in the 6th house of
opposition and financial (in)stability. As a result, the Venus major period,
from April 1996 to April 2016, has been linked to the massive housing bubble that
burst in 2006 as well as the trend increase in inequality in the country. The ensuing
banking crisis of 2007 and 2008 resulted in a huge rise in government debt after the government decided to save banks that were deemed to-big-to-fail, in
order to ensure a continued flow of credit to households and businesses. Despite efforts to save ‘Wall Street‘ and reflate the stock market, a deep economic
recession took place in 2009 that hurt ‘Main Street‘, as unemployment shot up. During the boom, middle- and lower class Americans became excessively indebted to keep up with the rapidly increasing affluence of the wealthiest Americans. As a result, ordinary Americans had become highly vulnerable to the loss of jobs and stagnating
purchasing power of the 2009 recession. Moreover, the recovery has been weighed down by the efforts
of ordinary Americans to reduce their debts. In 2013, signs appeared that the recovery
was finally picking up more steam.

sub-period (2012-2015)
Mercury is strong and well placed in the SAMVA USA chart, giving support
to its indications. Mercury as 3rd lord of speech and action is placed in the
7th house of others. During the Mercury sub-period (April 2012- April 2015),
the economic recovery has gained strength as predicted. A greater focus in the
national affairs has been towards the high tech or IT sector in notably
communications and transportation.
The NSA spying scandal has put the issue of invasive
government intelligence gathering on the front burner, involving also large
private high tech companies. The freedom of the press has also been brought
into question. In Mercury periods, the
focus of national affairs in the USA has turned to the preservation of the
freedoms of speech and action. Such trends are predicted to continue in the
national affairs in 2014.
As Mercury is sub-period lord, we should pay special attention to its
transit placements. One transit of Mercury of note is its passage through the
sign of Gemini and 12H of losses in the SAMVA USA chart from May 23 to July 29,
2013. While Gemini is owned by Mercury, which is helpful, its placement in the
12H is not helpful. During this time, the confidence of investors is likely to
be reduced as Mercury is the general indicator of commerce and it also rules
the 3H of courage. This trend could be more pronounced as transit Mars, which is
the general indicator for courage and confidence, will at the same time pass
through the sign Virgo and 3H, or until July 15. As Virgo is the Moolatrikona sign of
Mercury, its weakness in the 12H is expected to also affect the general
indications of Mars as it transits the 3H of courage. Efforts of the Federal Reserve to withdraw the policy stimulus, the tapering, could be part of the development. Lessening this temporary
negative influence is the fact that both 10L Mars and 3L Mercury are strong
in the SAMVA USA chart. Fortunately, transit 6L Jupiter will leave Gemini and 12H
on June 9, reducing the stress for financial stability, conflict, etc. However,
before then, in late May and early June, the effect of discouraged investors could become quite visible in the
stock market, especially while both transit 6L Jupiter and transit 8L Saturn aspect
natal 4L Venus in the 6H. Moreover, transit 4L Venus will then become conjunct
transit Ketu at 4° Aries and 10H. This suggests that some conflict, possibly about inequality or social fairness, disrupts the domestic
harmony which could contribute to the loss of confidence.
The transits
of RAHU and KETU in 2014
The Moon‘s nodes, the malefic Rahu and Ketu, afflict the 4H and 10H MEPs
of the SAMVA USA chart. As 10H is strong, due to good placement of 10L Mars in
Scorpio and 5H, the problems for government, laws and foreign trade are only
short lived. However, as 4H is weak, due to the bad placement of 4L Venus in
6H, during this transit setbacks are likely in matters pertaining to domestic harmony and fixed
assets, as the US history confirms.
In 2014, transit Rahu continues its retrograde motion through the sign
of Libra and 4H of the 20° Cancer rising in the SAMVA USA chart. On January 1,
2014 it will be at 11°29‘ Libra and 4H, past any natal contacts in this sign
and house. The same is true for transit Ketu in Aries and 10H. On December 31,
transit Rahu will have moved to 21°25' Virgo and 3H MEP, a distance of about
20° over the 12 months, having become stationary twice, at 5° Libra and 4H and
25° Virgo and 3H. Likewise, transit Ketu will have become stationary at 5°
Aries and 10H and 25° Pisces and 9H. The presence of the nodes in a house is
expected to have a disruptive influence, even if not on the MEP. The
disturbance is likely to be greater when the nodes are in stationary motion (appearing standstill for an extended period when viewed from earth), as they do for three months at a time, upto three times per year.
For the USA, the transit of Rahu in Libra and Ketu in Aries is expected to bring
problems for domestic harmony and, more briefly, for the government and
legislature, including the health sector. Indeed, this was predicted for 2013 when the fiscal cliff and government shutdown as well as the disastrous roll-out of Obamacare became major issues of controversy and domestic disharmony in 2013. This was evident from the Spring 2013 when transit Rahu and
Ketu at 23° Libra and Aries afflicted the 20° of Libra and Aries, the most effective points (MEPs) of
the 4H and 10H. It was also notable in the fall when the transit nodes became stationary at 13° 30' Libra and Aries, where they were still conjunct their own natal placements at 17° 47‘ Aries and Libra, respectively.
For the first half of 2014, during the remaining stay of Rahu in Libra
and Ketu in Aries, some continuing stress is expected concerning the domestic
harmony and real estate market as well as government affairs. In particular, transit
Rahu becomes stationary around 5°-4° Libra from March to May 2014. As this
station is not afflicting in the chart, it will be of less importance, except
when fast moving planets pass over the stationary nodal axis. Around April 17-23,
when transit 2L Sun and then transit 3L Mercury pass over transit stationary
Ketu, stress is likely for assets, banks and the US President as
well as transportation and communication. As the conjunctions take place in
the 10H, the temporary stress would likely involve the US government, laws or
foreign trade.
On July 13, 2014, transit Rahu will enter the sign Virgo and 3H, where
it will stay until January 9, 2016. The shift of a slow moving planet to
another sign and house is expected to result in a change in the trends
influencing the national affairs. Over the same time, Ketu will transit the
sign of Pisces and 9H. During the stay of Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces,
stress is to be expected in matters of self-image, transportation,
communication issues, young people, universities, emotional stability, foreign
policy, income and future plans. The transit of the nodes in Virgo and Pisces would be especially stressful for matters
having to do with high tech activities, networks and commercial transactions, especially
as the transit of Rahu through the sign of Virgo coincides with the sub-period
of Mercury, which continues until April 2015.

The impact of transit stationary Rahu in Virgo and 3H in the fall of
2014 would also be felt for the indications of 2L Sun at 24° Capricorn and 7H
MEP. At that time, some stress is possible involving US assets, including the dollar, or a crisis concerning the influence
of the USA in the world or for the President of the USA, notably around October 13, when also transit 2L Sun becomes conjunct transit stationary Rahu.
The transit
of JUPITER in 2014
Jupiter is fairly strong in the SAMVA USA chart, being placed in Scorpio and 5H. Detracting from its
strength is an afflicting aspect by Ketu in the 10H to the 6H, which Jupiter
rules. Hence, the aspect reduces the strength of Jupiter. Further, 4L Venus, is weak and badly placed in the 6H. As a result, afflictions to
Jupiter, such as linked to the involvement of the USA in foreign conflicts
tends to arouse domestic disharmony, with e.g. difficult war protests seen
during the US wars in Vietnam and Iraq.
Jupiter begins the year at 22° Gemini and 12H, in retrograde motion. It ends the
year at 28° Cancer and 1H, also in retrograde motion, having advanced 36° in the
sidereal zodiac over the 12 month period. Jupiter will be in the sign of Gemini
until June 19, 2014. As this is the 12H of the 20° Cancer rising SAMVA USA
chart, Jupiter can impel the US to take an aggressive position that causes problems relating to its interests around the world. This can lead to conflicts, fraying of relationships and sudden
setbacks when Jupiter is afflicting in the natal or transit charts. As Jupiter is weak in
the 12H, health problems and financial stress may also be felt, especially when
Jupiter afflicts or is afflicted. In this placement, foreign policy initiatives
are likely to have setbacks due to conflict with foreign laws or customs.
Accidents are also likely, which may entail losses. Certainly, the NSA spying revelations
after Jupiter entered Gemini in June 2013, caused problems for the foreign
relations of the US government. Moreover, the chemical attack in Syria in
August 2013 and the negotiations over Iran‘s nuclear programme in October 2013,
were highly problematic for the USA and required yielding ground on important
issues, which caused anger among long time US allies, like Israel and Saudi
While Jupiter is in Gemini, until June 19, 2013, problems are likely as
noted above. This is especially the case when Jupiter becomes stationary at 17° Gemini from late
January to early April. In this placement, Jupiter will be in mutual aspect with
natal Ketu at 17° 47‘ Libra and 4H MEP, with the aspect becoming exact in early
February and again in early April. Depending on other transit aspects, this
placement and transit-to-natal aspect involving two malefic planets can result
in conflict abroad that may result in losses abroad or sudden explosive events
at home. Terrorist attacks on the USA, either abroad or at home, are more
likely at such a time, as was the case when the '9/11' terrorist attacks took place.
After Jupiter enters Cancer, its sign of exaltation, and the 1H for the
USA, domestic harmony, financial stability and judicial matters should improve.
However, when transit 6L Jupiter is afflicting or afflicted in this sign and
house, it can cause problems to young people, foreign policy and the self-image
of the country due to increased aggressiveness, which may lead to conflicts or

From November 8, 2014 to January 9, 2015, transit 6L Jupiter will become
stationary at around 28°Cancer and 1H. From there, Jupiter will aspect 8L
Saturn at 27° Scorpio and 5H, suggesting scope for violent events in the
national life. Moreover, the influence of Jupiter in November, adds to the
strain on natal Saturn felt from the aspect of transit Ketu in 9H. Jupiter will
also be in mutual aspect with Ketu at that time, although the orb between the
two malefics will be over 3° and thus less problematic.
The transit of SATURN in 2014
Transit Saturn begins the year at 26° Libra and ends it at almost 7°
Scorpio, having travelled over 10°. Saturn spends most of the year in the sign
of Libra, moving into Scorpio on November 2, 2013. For Cancer ascendants, the
impact of Saturn in Libra and the 4H is to give easy gains but to make the domestic
affairs vulnerable, which is increased while transit Rahu is also passing through this sign. Setbacks may take place in property-, relationship-,
professional- and health matters. From May to September 2014, transit 8L Saturn
will be in close aspect to natal 4L Venus at 24° Sagittarius and 6H. There
may be easy gains for home owners but also obstacles and endings for the
domestic harmony or some other indications of the 4H or Venus (see
prediction made for 2013).
After Saturn moves into Scorpio on November 2, 2014, it will remain
there until January 26, 2017. For Cancer
rising entities, Saturn in the sign of Scorpio and 5H can cause emotional
stress and problems to young people, foreign policy, income and status matters.
In November and December 2014, transit Saturn will be conjunct natal 6L Jupiter
at 4° Scorpio and 5H, with the conjunction becoming exact on December 11. At
the same time, transit 6L Jupiter at 28° Cancer and 1H and transit Ketu at 24°
Pisces and 9H will be aspecting natal 8L Saturn at 27° Scorpio and 5H. These
are all violence inducing aspects. Fortunately, transit Saturn will be in
direct motion and the other transit aspects will not be exact, reducing the impact.
Nonetheless, some violent events may be expected at that time, an upset to
financial stability, a drop in the stock market, the outbreak of a deadly
illness, etc..
In 2014, we may expect to see a continuation of the national trends highlighted in 2013, such as the ongoing recovery from the bursting of the housing bubble, including the withdrawal of policy stimulus. The emphasis on technology and communications is likely to continue, with some problems in this area during the year. Controversies involving the freedom of the press or the right of citizens to online privacy may continue. Barring some problems from the difficult transits, the economy should move ahead. The good going in asset markets is, however, likely to run into headwinds during the year, especially in the late Autumn. There are risks of violent events in early and late 2014, respectively. The year 2014 is likely to be similarly or slightly less tense than 2013.
[1] Colvin,
Jill (2014). “Bill de Blasio Sworn in as 109th Mayor of New York City.“
Politicker, January 1, 2014, 12:53AM.
1 comment:
Good one to end. drop in financial market at the end of the article...violence...very true...thank you.
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