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In 2016, Trump came, saw, conquered |
Donald Trump is expected to survive the impeachment trial in the Senate, which will likely take place in January 2020. His own chart suggests difficulty for close partnerships during most of 2020 and into mid 2021. However, transit-to-natal contacts will be easier after February 2020. It is therefore not straight forward to predict that he retains his office. However, based on the national horoscope, such an outcome becomes quite likely. Aside from the fact that he enjoys the advantages of being an incumbent, potentially being able to incur the goodwill of his voters by doing things they agree with, a more important rationale is the fact that the tensions in national affairs are seen to wind down for the country as a whole in early 2020. Such an outcome would be unlikely if Congress removed him from office, as that would be expected to create intense unhappiness among his political base. Accordingly, he will likely prevail and the political revolution he ushered in a few years ago will likely continue after the elections on November 3, 2020. However, the transit influences on election night suggest a subdued sense of victory, reflecting the weariness associated with the domestic rancor during most of his first term. Moreover, difficulty is foreseen for the country as the year ends, possibly linked to an adverse foreign policy development, or a setback for the economy.
The Sun-Saturn period from February 21, 2019 has been attended by tremendous obstruction in the political life of America, not least due to the transit Saturn, as 8th lord of obstacles and endings, in Sagittarius and 6th house of political conflict from January 26, 2017. During this period, the political process became severely obstructed as the political opponents of President Trump devoted all of their energy to end prematurely his term as President. During this period there have also been international tensions over trade, notably with China, conflict, notably with Iran and immigration, notably with Mexico.
This adverse period ends on February 3, 2020, when the more favourable Sun-Mercury period begins. A week earlier, transit Saturn, as 8th lord, will have moved into its own sign, Capricorn, and the 7th house. Moreover, as the new sub-period begins, transit Venus, which rules communal harmony, moves into its exaltation sign, Pisces and the 9th house. These two transits add to the favourable change in the national mood. During the Mercury sub-period the focus will likely shift to initiatives in foreign policy, to ensure the freedom of action and speech in the world, as well as to secure the peace, including for international commerce. The US media may begin to recalibrate their messaging during this period, after four years of hounding Donald Trump at every step. The period also puts an emphasis on high tech, transportation and communication developments in the national life for most of 2020. However, as the sub-period begins, transit Mercury will be in Aquarius and the 8th house of obstruction and endings until April 6, while transit 2nd lord Sun will be in Aquarius and 8th house until March 15. Hence, the above noted improvement in national affairs is made more gradual by these transits. After transit Mercury moves into Pisces and the 9th house, there could be some lucky change, even if the quantum of this positive influence is reduced by the fact that Pisces is the debilitation sign of Mercury. On April 15, transit Sun will become exalted in Aries and 10th house until May 15 and transit Mercury will enter this sign and house on April 25 until May 10. These transits could result in improved conditions for the indications of Sun and Mercury and the 2nd and 3rd houses, and in relation to the foreign trade, the government, legislature and the military.
As the year ends, the Sun-Ketu period will begin on December 10, 2020. Often, this period has been associated with the eruption of repressed rage associated with the marginalisation of disadvantaged groups. At this time, there may therefore be increased difficulty for communal harmony, especially as transit Ketu will then be stationary at 25° 46' Scorpio where it will be conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 45' Scorpio, suggesting sudden explosive events, involving death like experiences focused on the indications of the 5th house, notably young people and university life. It could also involve an upset for the easy gains of speculators. At that time, transit 6th lord Jupiter at 3° 48' Capricorn and 7th house will also be conjunct transit 8th lord Saturn at 5° 03' Capricorn and 7th house, a violence inducing aspect, but with a focus on foreign policy or leisure activities.
Slow moving transits
The year begins with a transit station of the nodes, with Rahu at 14° 15‘ Gemini and 12th house, and Ketu at 14° 15‘ Sagittarius and 6th house of the SAMVA USA chart. The station ends in mid February 2020, when the nodes resume their normal movements. As the transit nodes are in wide aspect to the natal nodes, some problems related to manipulations, corruption, alienation and powerlessness may arise. Charges of corruption involving the family members of leading politicians, like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, could be highlighted. The tension is greater when other planets cross the stationary nodal axis. On January 3, transit 3rd lord Mercury passes over transit Ketu. At that time, there could be short lived transportation or communication problems.
Jupiter begins the year at 12° 32' Sagittarius and 6th house. It will remain in this house until March 29, 2020. On January 8, 2020, transit 6th lord Jupiter will cross transit stationary Ketu. It is likely this transit will be accompanied by the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, and reflect the associated tensions. As Ketu rules powerlessness, it is possible the trial will involve a standoff or powerlessness of one side, more likely the Democrats. Outright conflict is also possible at this time, especially if the USA is challenged by another power. Traditionally, the USA does not back down from provocations. As Jupiter is the moolatrikona lord of the sign Sagittarius, it is in full strength in the 6th house when not severely afflicted. Hence, it is expected to regain its strength in mid January and retain it until mid March, when it becomes old age. It will again become strong from mid July through October, when its general and functional indications are also protected. However, from mid March to mid July, Jupiter will be in old age in Sagittarius, and hence weakened. Moreover, from April to June, Jupiter will be in infancy and debilitation in the sign of Capricorn and the 7th house, while also briefly in a wide conjunction aspect with 8th lord Saturn there. As a result, its 6th house indications will become weak and slightly vulnerable to setbacks. After Jupiter re-enters Sagittarius on June 30, where it remains until November 19, its indications regain strength. However, it will become conjunct natal 4th lord Venus from late July to early November -- stationary conjunct in August and September -- which is expected to be associated with a marked reduction in the communal harmony. Likely, this will be linked to divisiveness during the Presidential election. Possibly, it may also be linked to US military involvement abroad, especially, after the nodal axis enters an applying conjunction with natal 8th lord Saturn from late September. Finally, in November and December, transit 6th lord Jupiter will fist be in old age and then infancy and debilitation, suggesting weakness. Moreover, after entering Capricorn on November 20, it will also become conjunct transit 8th lord Saturn, suggesting increased scope for violent events and setbacks to its indications.
Saturn is in old age in Sagittarius and 6th house as the year opens. As such, it is in separating conjunction with natal 4th lord Venus at 24° Sagittarius. This suggests that the obstructive energy that is undermining the communal harmony, as well as the crisis on the southern border, are diminishing. On January 25, 2020, Saturn will enter its own sign Capricorn and 7th house. As a result, the energy of obstruction and endings will move to the area of foreign policy and leisure activities. During the year, Saturn will not be aspecting in the SAMVA USA chart, hence its energy of obstruction and endings, but also easy gains, which was a front and center influence in 2019, will not be so strongly felt by Americans in 2020. One possible influence in 2020 may be that Americans will travel less abroad while foreign tourists flock to the USA.

Mars, the general indicator of astronauts, the military and police, and the functional lord of the 10th house, ruling foreign trade, the government, legislature, will alternate between Pisces and the 9th house and Aries and the 10th house during the second half of the year. It will be in Pisces from June 19 to August 16 and again from October 4 to December 23, when its indication will tend to have fortunate developments, and it will be in Aries from August 17 to October 3 and again from December 24 to February 22, 2021, when its indications will tend to be more prominent.
Summary of predictions for 2020
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Advances in flight likely |
Overall, the year is expected to be far more pleasant than the prior year. The economy should continue to grow, with an emphasis on high tech, transportation and communication activities. There could even be dramatic revelations with regard to new technology, in the above areas. The Boeing 737 MAX crisis could well be resolved by Spring 2020. The Space Force could become a visible and exciting aspect of the military. Communal harmony will likely be significantly reduced in the lead up to the election. Moreover, as the year ends, some challenges are likely, possibly for foreign policy or the economy.
A hopeful new decade
As the year opens, the decade of the 2010s ends and the 2020s begin. In the past decade the reality has focused on the stunning divide between the super rich and very poor, as residual of the weak Venus major period in the SAMVA USA chart. Indeed, during this decade the number of billionaires tripled in the world. Prosperity was spread around the planet, transforming the lives of billions of people. However, the number of forgotten Americans, those left behind in the march to prosperity, also increased. A positive change has been unfolding since 2016, when the strong Sun major period began, with employment increasing and wages rising, especially at the lower end of the spectrum. In 2022, the Moon period will run for ten years, heralding continued improvement for the USA, with a focus on the realisation of the ideals of America as a nation. The US economy has been weighed down by heavy debts and desperate government policies to enable the economy to grow out of the debt doldrums while also boosting pay for the low earners. As the new decade opens, the US has taken steps to correct flaws in the economic management, as well as increase the focus on space exploration. In December 2019, the Space Force, as the 6th branch of the US military was created. President Trump has also championed a manned mission to Mars by 2032, when the Mars major period begins. Underlying this focus is the accelerating technological change, in such areas as AI, quantum computers, robotics, batteries and automation. While this is causing a disruption for production, exchange, jobs and living standards, the new capabilities in transportation and communication will create plenty of opportunities for new jobs and life styles. More effort will undoubtedly be put into pollution abatement. The accelerating arms race is leading to stunning new destructive capabilities, making arms control and peaceful relations all the more important.
Epilogue for 2019
The transits of
2019 were phenomenal, with three slow moving malefics transiting bad houses in
the SAMVA USA chart. The prediction for the year 2019 was realised, in terms of
the primary nature of events, with the consistent focus of the political opposition, including the corporate media, to obstruct and bring an end to the presidency of Donald Trump with impeachment proceedings. An Impeachment Inquiry was formally launched on September 24. Two Articles of Impeachment were then passed by the Congressional Democrats on December 18. These developments were predicted based on transit Saturn, as 8th lord in the most effective point of the 6th house, bringing an energy of obstruction and endings to political conflict. Indeed, the political opposition sought to end the Presidency of Donald Trump.
The crisis on the US-Mexico border, in terms of the powerlessness of the President and Congress to stop or allow the disorderly flow of illegal immigrants into the USA, was partially predicted. The abject powerlessness of all involved was due to Ketu becoming exactly stationary conjunct natal Venus as 4th lord of homeland in the 6th house of conflict of the SAMVA USA chart. In the fall of 2019, after Ketu had moved off its station in the summer and it had also moved away from the 6th house MEP, the crisis was gradually brought under control through an agreement with the Mexican government.
That said, the
quantum of disaster expected was fortunately not realised in 2019, in terms of the
potential seen for mass casualties. While new records were broken in terms of
number of fatalities in the country associated with mass shootings, especially
during the summer months, the milder outcome may be explained with two key
- the conjunction of the malefics occurred in the least malefic 6th house, lessening the scope for serious setback, even if involving transit 8th lord Saturn, the lord of obstacles and endings, and Ketu, the lord of sudden and explosive events.
- the actions of the US President Trump, indicated by the Sun in the chart, by backing away from the precipice of war with Iran on June 20, 2019, and again, by removing US troops from Syria in October, may have prevented unknown horrors. While the sub-period of Saturn was operating, it was likely the influence of the major period of Sun that reduced the scope for major adverse events in the country. The President also showed strength in the face of a determined opposition, lessening the political upheaval in the country during the tense times.
The prediction from late December 2019 for the USA in 2020 has been affected by the prediction for 2019 beginning to materialise as 2020 opened. Why was this not foreseen? Let's examine this more closely, in an effort to draw useful lessons from it.
In 2019, the focus was on the conjunction of transit Saturn, as 8th lord of obstacles and endings, and transit Ketu in Sagittarius and 6th house from March to October that year. While tensions erupted over both foreign policy and impeachment, as predicted, in 2019, the incidence of "war-like conditions" was avoided in the USA during that time frame. Such conditions did, however, materialise in countries like France and in the autonomous region of China, Hong Kong, with protests running through most of the year.
In retrospect, a game changer took place in early November 2019, when transit Jupiter, as 6th lord of health issues in the SAMVA USA chart, entered Sagittarius and 6th house, where it joined the two prime rate malefics. In the Capricorn rising chart of China, this combination took place in the more malefic 12th house of losses. Indeed, the virus likely emerged in China during the fall of 2019, creating war-like conditions in Wuhan already in late December 2019. In January 2020, it then began to spread around the world, notably Italy, and from there to other European countries and the East Coast of the USA. The spread to the West Coast of the USA came directly from China, until a US travel ban was enacted on the country in late January 2020.
More importantly, when transit Jupiter became conjunct transit Ketu in the first half of January 2020, a full blown crisis developed in China. This should have raised a red flag for the rest of the world, but was largely overlooked until it began to spread in Italy, in the 8th house of obstacles and endings in the Taurus rising chart, and in the USA in late January 2020. The influence of this transit was more negative for the 6th house indications of health in the USA than is normally considered as Jupiter is strong in its own Moolatrikona sign, Sagittarius, even when in a malefic house.
What was overlooked were the contacts Jupiter makes there as a first rate malefic. In this case, it moved over both the transit stationary Ketu at 15° Sagittarius and Rahu at 15° Gemini and 12H, which were in aspect with the natal nodes in the SAMVA USA chart, in December 2019 to February 2020, and then natal 4th lord Venus at 24° Sagittarius and the MEP of the 6th house. All of this created the health crisis.
In the SAMVA USA chart, transit 8L Saturn moved out of Sagittarius and the 6th house in late January 2020 and the adverse Saturn sub-period ended in early February 2020 closed. With the more helpful Mercury sub-period beginning then. This was seen to be a helpful change. However, transit Jupiter remained in the 6th house until end March 2020, while Ketu remains there until mid September 2020. That is not helpful. Moreover, transit 6th lord Jupiter has since April 2020 then been weak in infancy and debilitation in Capricorn and the 7th house, and remains there until end June 2020. It is also in conjunction with transit 8th lord Saturn in May 2020, which is a difficult aspect, even if not exact (the orb is around 4° at its peak).
All told, these influences are seen to bring and then prolong the illness in the USA through May 2020. In February 2020, an improvement was predicted to begin from early April 2020. In early April 2020, the data shows that new cases and deaths peaked. They have been on a declining trend since. Importantly, many people report that their sense of well being has increased during this 'time out' in the national life. Nevertheless, over 100,000 people, mostly the infirm and elderly, have lost their lives to this disease from March to May 2020. This is considerably more than the 60,000 - 70,000 people that lose their lives annually due to the flu. Moreover, the Coronavirus seems to be a more unpredictable disease, and hence a far greater concern to the general health than the 'normal' flu.
Currently, in late May, the shelter in place orders are ending and people are increasingly returning to their normal activities and jobs. However, bankruptcies and joblessness have pushed the economy into a nose dive, which is of a major concern. A sluggish recovery in jobs is expected in the second half of the year. In this regard, Capricorn is now holding transit Saturn, ruling jobs. From end June 2020 to late November 2020, Jupiter, ruling finance and expansion, will also be there. The key here is that Capricorn is a restrictive sign, where Jupiter is especially weak. Hence, banking and credit may evolve much more sluggishly at that time than expected.
Before then, however, transit Jupiter will station on top of natal 4th lord Venus at 24° Sagittarius and 6th house from August to October 2020. At that time, the political conflict is likely to worsen, health issues may reemerge, housing prices may fall, the border may again become an issue of contention, and along with any foreign conflict, such issues may provoke civil unrest, protests or intense political wrangling. Some of it is to be expected in an election year. However, the Trump revolution of 2016 has made the stakes higher for the millions of Americans, which it favours. However, Trump's policies have also created huge cuts in the profits of global US corporations, who benefited for decades from the outsourcing of US jobs. These companies, and the media companies they own, want to get rid of Trump in November 2020 and back to business as usual with Joe Biden.
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