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A 2005 book on the US 'working poor' |
In March 2012, the Indian astrologer and author, V. K. Choudhry issued the following warning about world wide difficulty in 2019.
"Though it is far away, yet it is always better to know the difficult prolonged transit afflictions in advance. The period between May, 2019, to October, 2019, is likely to be very difficult. It is likely to be a time of incidence of far reaching economic reversal. Many parts of the world will be vulnerable to natural calamities in the form of earthquakes of high intensity, storms, nuclear catastrophe, international military operations, tsunami type problems, threat of a pandemic situation, political problems, disasters, etc. etc. It may be a type of war-like situation for some countries. Large number of fatalities are likely. Those countries will be more vulnerable whose ascending degree is between 23 to 19."For the USA, the conjunction of Ketu and Saturn transiting the sign Sagittarius, takes place in the malefic sixth house of the SAMVA USA chart, when the Sun-Saturn period is operating. These planets became conjunct in 1962, when the Cuban Missile Crisis pushed the world to the brink of a nuclear catastrophe. The Saturn major period, which imbued the national life with the 'death-like' fears of the "Cold war" was operating. At that time, the conjunction took place in the sign Capricorn in the benefic 7th house, where it was conjunct Mercury, a planet in good strength in the chart. Fortunately, the nuclear stand-off did not lead to a nuclear conflagration, which would have resulted in mass fatalities of an unknown scale.
The planetary period and transits suggest pronounced challenges in the coming year. The problems will be more with Saturn as 8th lord of obstacles and endings becoming conjunct functional malefic Ketu on top of natal Venus, ruling the 4th house of communal harmony, in the 6th house of conflict. This suggests a major upheaval in the communal harmony of the USA, which may involve ordinary Americans, not least the working poor, rejecting the yoke of corporate exploitation, political corruption and media disinformation. People may rally in defense of a weakened President, beleaguered by political machinations in Congress.
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Democrats hate Trump's guts |
Other scenarios are possible and the development could involve a natural disaster, a major industrial or pollution accident, a deadly illness, a terrorist attack on US soil or a sudden outbreak of war with heavy involvement of the USA. What seems beyond doubt is that whatever the event, it will likely result in mass deaths and death-like experiences, and be of a quantum that shocks the national psyche. The peak intensity is expected from May to October 2019. Below is an elaboration of individual aspects, sometimes overlapping, with commentary of likely influences.
In 2019, the planets Saturn and Ketu will be in Sagittarius and the sixth house, where they will become conjunct Venus in the SAMVA USA chart. The prediction highlights the emphasis of the Systems' Approach on the influence of the 'invisible' moon's nodes, Rahu and Ketu, especially when stationary, hovering over a given degree for up to three months at a time. Before the transits are examined in detail, let us first consider the planets, signs and houses involved and what indications they represent. A major challenge of any prediction is to signal the most likely indications to be triggered - as the discussion of the above scenarios indicates. Indeed, each planet, sign and house has many possible, albeit logically consistent indications. This is also known as multivalence, a special feature of astrology. It means that each element may find expression through several indications that have an affinity through a shared nature. The following indications will likely be involved in the coming events.
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Saturn (Shani) |
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Ketu |
Saturn conjunct Ketu
The conjunction of Saturn and Ketu may bring about the loss of structure. As Saturn is 8th lord, the conjunction can bring sudden explosive developments with death like experiences.
Transit Saturn and Ketu conjunct natal Venus
The transit conjunction with Venus can result in violent, deadly and chaotic developments that disturb the comforts of life. As Venus is 4th lord, the sudden death like experiences are likely to disturb the communal harmony.
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Venus (Shukra) |
The scene in 2019 will be dominated by the sign Sagittarius and the sixth house. Importantly, since Saturn, as 8th lord of obstacles and endings, entered this sign and the sixth house in January 2017, a week after Trump took office, the Democrats have become increasingly "obstructionist" concerning the passage of laws by the Trump administration.
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Sagittarius |
Below are listed the main period and transit events as the year progresses, with an interpretation. As some of the transits overlap, this may add to the complexity and intensity.- January 2, 2019: Transit 2nd lord Sun becomes exactly conjunct transit 8th lord Saturn at 17° 15‘ Sagittarius and 6th house MEP of the 20° Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart, under aspect of natal Rahu at 17° 47‘ Aries and 10th house MEP.
- February 21, 2019: The Sun – Saturn period begins in the SAMVA USA chart.
- February 21, 2019: Transit 6th lord Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46‘ Scorpio and 5th house. The conjunction is within 1° orb from February 14 to March 1.
- March 23, 2019 - October 30, 2019: Transit 8th lord Saturn at 25 03‘ Sagittarius and 6th house (of the SAMVA USA chart) becomes conjunct transit retrograde Ketu at 00° 03‘ Capricorn and 7th house.
- March 24, 2019 - September 19, 2020: Transit Rahu enters (30°) Gemini and 12th house and transit Ketu enters (30°) Sagittarius and 6th house.
- March 26, 2019 - June 5, 2019: transit 8th lord Saturn becomes stationary at 26° 24‘ Sagittarius (+/- 1°) and 6th house.
- April 30, 2019: Transit Ketu becomes exactly conjunct transit stationary 8th lord Saturn at 26° 24´ Sagittarius and 6th house. The conjunction is within 1° orb from April 20 to May 6.
- May 20, 2019 – August 29, 2019: Transit Ketu becomes stationary at 23° 30‘ Sagittarius and 6th house MEP, conjunct natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50‘ Sagittarius and 6th house MEP.
- June 3, 2019: Transit Ketu becomes exactly conjunct natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50‘ Sagittarius and 6th house MEP. The conjunction is within 1° orb from May 17, 2019 to August 19, 2019.
- May 30, 2019: Transit 6th lord Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46‘ Scorpio and 5th house. The conjunction is within 1° orb from May 22 to June 6.
- May 8 - June 29, 2019: Transit 10th lord Mars passes through Gemini and the 12th house. In early June, transit Mars passes through the aspect of natal Ketu at 18° in the SAMVA USA chart.
- June 2 - 20, 2019: Transit 3rd lord Mercury passes through Gemini and the 12th house. It passes through difficult aspects from June 11 - 17.
- June 16 - July 16, 2019: Transit 2nd lord Sun passes through Gemini and 12th house. It passes through difficult aspects in the first half of July.
In general, transits through the 12th house, involve the indications of the planet with losses. When involved in stationary transit afflictions, a fast moving planet may trigger significant events. In the past the transit of Mars and 3rd lord Mercury in this house, including afflicting aspects to them, have been associated with loss of confidence among investors.
- June 29, 2019: Transit 8th lord Saturn becomes exactly conjunct natal 4th lord Venus at 23° 50‘ Sagittarius and 6th house MEP. The conjunction is within 1° orb from June 15, 2019 to July 13, 2019.
- July 4, 2019: Transit 8th lord Saturn becomes exactly conjunct transit stationary Ketu at 23° 30' Sagittarius and 6th house. The conjunction is within 1° orb from June 20 to July 16.
- July 10, 2019: Transit 2nd lord Sun becomes exactly conjunct transit stationary Rahu at 23° 30' Gemini and the 12th house, in opposition to transit 8th lord Saturn.
During this time, there is a clear and present danger of violence and sudden explosive events resulting in mass deaths. War like conditions could be expected. The President is likely to come under phenomenal pressure as transit Sun goes over the nodal axis and into the opposition aspect of transit Saturn.
- July 17, 2019 – September 6, 2019: Transit 6th lord Jupiter becomes stationary at 20° 23‘ Scorpio (+ 1°) and 5th house MEP.
This transit brings conflictual energy to the 5th house indications of young people, speculation, creativity, entertainment and management, with influences on the 9th house of the judiciary, foreign things and luck, 11th house of friends, income and goals, and 1st house of self.
- August 14, 2019 – October 23, 2019 : Transit 8th lord Saturn becomes stationary at 19° 47‘ Sagittarius (+/- 1°) and 6th house MEP.
This aspect brings obstacles and endings, including death-like experiences to the 6th house of conflict, health, and communal harmony. Saturn aspects the 8th house, bringing such influences to this house, as well as the 12th house of losses and foreign wars, and 3rd house of communication and transportation.
- September 28, 2019: Transit Ketu becomes exactly conjunct transit stationary 8th lord Saturn at 19° 51´ Sagittarius and 6th house. The conjunction is within 1° orb from September 17 to October 7.
- October 18, 2019: Transit 6th lord Jupiter becomes exactly conjunct natal 8th lord Saturn at 26° 46‘ Scorpio and 5th house. The conjunction is within 1° orb from October 13 to October 24.
Six years ago, when the article "The Summer of 2019" was written, Obama had just been re-elected for his second term as President. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, was implementing her "Smart Power" foreign policy, shortly after the Benghazi attack, while preparing to run for Obama's job in 2016. Following the financial crisis, the economy was recovering at a sluggish pace, now termed "secular stagnation". However, for the Democrats the economy (Saturn) was not the main issue, but identity politics (Ketu). The Democrats were focused on gaining votes by appealing to issues like equal rights for isolated or mistreated people. Even the rights of illegal immigrants became equal to or greater than the rights of American citizens. The primarily christian and white American cultural identity of the 20th century gave way to a new broader identity, including other races, ethnicities, religious beliefs or life styles. What the Democrats overlooked, however, was the widening gap between rich and poor, especially in the christian, white heartland. This was a glaring omission following the Occupy Wall Street protests of late 2011.
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Working to protect American workers |
However, the situation is more complicated. Trump is under investigation for having crossed the line of political campaign laws by having asked at his rally for "Russia to publish" emails hacked on Hillary Clinton's private email server, itself a scandal for Clinton during the campaign. Trump's campaign may also have worked to get dirt on Clinton through Wikileaks, which may in turn have received hacked information from Russia. As the new year opens, the Mueller investigation may soon deliver its findings of illegalities by Trump's campaign, and possibly release new dirt on Trump. It may be enough to start impeachment proceedings in Congress. Certainly, many Democrats are angry at Trump for having attracted a large part of their voting base, which they had taken for granted but effectively ignored. This is because the Democrats, by focusing on identity politics (of those suffering from isolation and separation), forgot about ordinary American workers, so-called 'blue collar' voters, concerned about their livelihood (Saturn). It shocked the Democrats that Trump not only identified the problem but effectively addressed it in his campaign, as well as appealing to their yearning for self-respect through 'American greatness', earning him the Presidency.
In 2019, the battle between those focused on identity (Ketu) and those emphasizing the economy (Saturn), will come into stark relief as Saturn and Ketu become conjunct in Sagittarius and the 6th house, on top of the weakest planet in the horoscope, Venus as 4th lord, ruling the land, natural resources and communal harmony. The Democrats accuse Trump and his supporters of being racists, bigots, imbeciles, etc.. In turn, Trump supporters consider Democrats as being un-American and un-patriotic.
As the Sun major period is operating, the re-invigoration of the USA is a major trend influence, but the sequence of malefic sub-periods of Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn from June 2017, may bring setbacks if the transits are adverse enough. An example is the floods in Texas and hurricanes in Florida in August and September 2017, which reduced economic growth that year. As the Sun-Mercury period runs from February 2020 and the difficult transits will have ended by November 2019, the setbacks foreseen in the coming year, will likely be overcome as these adverse transit and period influences end.
1 comment:
The top stories of 2019 in the USA, according to an AP poll, were:
1. Impeachment of President Trump by House Democrats (Ukraine call: Biden corruption).
2. Fallout over Trump's immigration policies (Wall: caravans, kids, drugs, violence).
3. Mueller "Russia collusion" report (Trump: "hoax").
Impeachment of Trump voted top 2019 news story in AP poll
AP News, David Crary - December 20, 2019
NEW YORK (AP) — The drive by the Democratic-led House of Representatives to impeach President Donald Trump was the top news story of 2019, according to The Associated Press’ annual poll. Trump also figured in the second and third biggest stories of the year: the fallout over his immigration policies and the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into whether his election campaign coordinated with Russia. But it was impeachment that was by far the top choice in the AP poll, a story that gained steam with each passing week after details emerged about a phone call in which Trump pressured the newly elected Ukrainian president to announce an investigation into his chief Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.
Another issue that emerged in 2019 was the amping up of civil discord, such that it reached a stage referred to as "high conflict"; where feelings of 'hate' are said to animate the dispute. Initially, opponents of Trump could not accept his election. Actor Robert DeNiro shouted "F' Trump" at the Oscars. A new Congresswoman shouted "We're gonna impeach the Motherf'". Trump supporters were amused by this, suggesting they suffer from "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS). By the time the Mueller report and Impeachment were over, however, Trump supporters had also become intensely angry, publicly venting their spleen at town halls and the like.
Such pronounced communal dynamics are consistent with the transits in 2019, when
- transit Ketu, which rules separation, isolation, powerlessness and sudden explosive events, became conjunct with
- transit Saturn, as 8th lord of obstacles and endings, in
- Sagittarius and the 6th house of conflict, also involving
- natal Venus, as 4th lord of land and communal harmony, during
- the Sun-Saturn period of
the SAMVA USA chart.
Americans are at each other's throats. Here's one way out.
The Washington Post, Amanda Ripley - December 20, 2019, 2:12 am EST
For a brief moment this month, we started to hear the proper words to describe what is happening in U.S. politics. Not the usual, safe and tired words like "polarization" or "incivility." But more accurate words. At a news conference ahead of the impeachment proceedings, a reporter for a conservative outlet asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., whether she "hates" President Donald Trump.
The conflictual energy remains high, given the stellium of upto six planets in Sagittarius and the 6th house of conflict and adamant feelings until January 2020. However, this whole dynamic of communal anger is seen to dissipate from February 2020, after transit Saturn and fast moving planets have moved into Capricorn and the 7th house. Moreover, a more benign period of Sun-Mercury will begin at that time. This drama is therefore seen to subside as we approach Spring.
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