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"The Squad II" |
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Rich get richer, poor poorer |
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Trump vs press |
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Corrupt establishment |
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Kamala Harris |
In mundane astrology, the challenge is ever to reconcile two things.
- what is seen in the national horoscope.
- what is seen in the national life.
On October 20, 2015, I wrote the article America's Date with Destiny. In the article, I suggested that two things would dominate the national landscape in the Sun major period:
I. The return of greatness
II. Policies that reduce inequality and social injustice
The following prediction was further made:
"It is clear the situation is grave and the politicians know about it. However, it will not necessarily be the Democrats who bring in the change. They are more the party of taxation and expenditure, associated with big government. It is likelier that a Republican, favouring free enterprise and limited government, will be the one to address these problems, by increasing competition and restoring industrial production, consistent with the period influences seen in the SAMVA USA chart."
While the above prediction has been realised with Trump's election and policies, the reforms are far from over to accomplish the second of the above goals.
Moreover, the Moon major period is nearing, to run from April 2022 - April 2032. The Moon is the 1st lord of the 20° Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart. It is exalted in the 11H, under aspect from both 6L Jupiter and 10L Mars in 5H. At that time, the identity or self-image of the Americans, linked to their collective aspirations, incomes and friendship alliances, involving also their firm beliefs and constitutional laws, will come to the fore. President Trump has really shocked the American psyche into focusing more on success than victimhood. However, many Americans are still not in alignment with his emphasis. As a result, more efforts are likely needed for Americans to revisit such issues going forward.
Even after many positive reforms during Trump's Presidential term, the USA is still dealing with inequality and social injustice. In addition to reforming US foreign policy in a fundamental way, Trump managed to liberate economic activity and focus the benefits on the low income segment of society. However, the wealthy are still living in a stratosphere completely separated from the reality of life for most Americans. Now, liberal politicians, who have also been deeply involved in identity politics, are arguing for more profound reforms to end this sharp divide.
Here is what a new Congressman, who is considered a part of the "Squad", has to say about the situation.
"I believe our current system of capitalism is slavery by another name," said [Jamaal] Bowman, a new member of the progressive "Squad" [in Congress]. He told The Root that "[w]e’ve moved from physical chattel enslavement and physical racial segregation to a plantation economic system. One that keeps the majority of Americans unemployed, or underemployed and struggling just to survive, while the power elite continues to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few, and allow large corporations to pretty much run the world as multinational corporations."
In other words, it is not necessarily so that President Trump's firm hand is the one guiding the next stage of the march towards a more widely shared prosperity, rooted in America's deep sense of fairness. In fact, in September 1901, Theodore Roosevelt replaced William McKinley as President. This was on the eve of the prior Moon period (April 1902 - April 1912). Roosevelt's Presidency is considered one of the greatest in the country's history. Due to McKinley's sad passing, his legacy is considered by many historians as gravely undervalued. Indeed, during his reign (1896-1901) there was a big resurgence in the national life. Together, McKinley and Roosevelt engineered the Progressive Era. It now seems more likely that Trump will share in such a destiny. While a very successful President, Trump's successor may well eclipse him in the hearts and minds of all the people. Of course, a lot depends on the transits and such time-consuming analysis has not yet been performed.
So, it is possible that the Democrats will gain the Presidency, and as such reform themselves under Kamala Harris' leadership. She will then be the one to align the economic reality with the identity Americans hold of themselves as a dynamic but also egalitarian society. Indeed, the Democrats seem better aligned with the identity issue, which is a feature of the Moon major period. They could do so by taxing sharply the wealthy and enforce existing competition laws. It is another long standing prediction, that we will see the monopolies again split up, also due to support from the Democrat Party, especially during the Moon major period. Time will tell.
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