Indeed, an exhaustive study of significant events in the history of the USA has shown that they are without exception explained with the SAMVA USA chart based on a detailed assessment and interpretation by vedic astrology as per the Systems' Approach. The events in the national life are seen to be the product of evolutionary trends which are explained by planetary periods and transits which time the expression of karmic events, for either good or bad.
In the 20° Cancer rising chart of the USA, the slow moving planets Saturn and Jupiter are seen to be functional malefics due to their rulership of bad houses, making them capable of generating setbacks in the national life. Albeit not ruling any houses, the Moon's nodes, Rahu and Ketu, are considered functional malefics for all ascendants. The good karma in the Cancer rising chart is seen to come through the natal placements and transit strength of the planets Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus, which are functional benefics in the chart, due to their rulership of good houses.
Saturn in Leo in 2009

Saturn in Leo in 2008

Saturn in Leo in 1978

The killing of US Congressman Ryan

In August 1977, Jim Jones, leader of the Peoples Temple in San Francisco, fled to Jonestown with his followers, after increasing media scrutiny alleging his criminal wrongdoing as Chairman of the San Francisco Housing Authority Commission.
In 1978 it emerged that many cult members, and American citizens, were being forcibly prevented from leaving the compound in Jonestown.
On November 1, 1978, Congressman Ryan announced he would visit Jonestown. He did so as part of a government investigation and received permission and government funds to do so. He made the journey in his role as chairman of a congressional subcommittee with jurisdiction over U.S. citizens living in foreign countries. He asked the other members of his Bay Area congressional delegation to join him on the investigation to Jonestown, but they all declined his invitation. Ryan had also asked his friend Indiana Congressman Dan Quayle to accompany him – Quayle had served with Ryan on the Government Operations Committee – but Quayle was unable to go on the trip. Quayle went on to become Vice President of the USA in 1988. The trip therefore had national significance. This is more so as Congressman Ryan was also accompanied by a large delegation of government officials, media representatives and concerned relatives.
It is a fact that Ryan made some public statements prior to the visit that may have charged the atmosphere, including that a "settlement deep in the bush might be reasonably run on authoritarian lines” and that if the situation had become "a gulag", he would do everything he could to "free the captives".
On November 14, Ryan left Washington and arrived in Georgetown, the capital of Guyana For three days, Ryan continued negotiation with Jones's legal counsel and held perfunctory meetings with embassy personnel and Guyanese officials.

Mass murder at Jonestown

While the Temple originated in Indiana in the 1950s, after leader Jim Jones prophesied an apocalypse that would create a socialist Eden on earth, it moved to Redwood Valley, California in the late 1960s. Its headquarters later moved into San Francisco, where Jones remained until July 1977, when Jones fled with almost 1,000 Temple members to Jonestown, Guyana following investigations by local media.
The poisonings in Jonestown followed the murder of five others by Temple members at a nearby Port Kaituma airstrip. Clearly, the applying conjunction of transit 8th lord Saturn to the MEP of the 2nd house, which crossed that point a few weeks later and then became stationary there for several months, increasing the karmic pressure on these indications. At a national level this energy is consistent with a loss in the family.
Killing of Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk

Dan White resigned from the Board of Supervisors. His resignation meant that Moscone would choose White's successor, and thus could tip the Board's balance of power in Moscone's favor. Recognizing this, those who supported a more conservative agenda talked White into changing his mind. White requested that Moscone re-appoint him to his former seat.

Although a local politician in San Francisco, Harvey Milk is probably considered the first elected national political leader advocating equal rights for those with same sex orientation. This is because San Francisco is home to a largest gay community in the USA.
In ancient vedic astrology, strong sexual desire, including gay sexual orientation, is seen to be a product of the influence of the 8th house or its lord or Rahu, indicators of carnal desire, on sensitive points in the chart, notably the 1st house. In the SAMVA USA chart, this influence is not prominent with respect to the 1st house. However, as both 8th lord Saturn and Rahu afflict the indications of the Sun and its house in the chart, this either gives some such indication or tension with regard to such matters in the national life.
Astrologically, the assassination of Harvery Milk, both as a politician but more importantly as a national spokesman for gay rights, is consistent with the transit of Saturn as 8th lord exactly over the senstive point of 20° Leo of the SAMVA USA chart in November 1978. The killer, Dan White, was clearly upset by Milk's politics. The fact that White was later sentenced for manslaughter and not pre-meditated murder added to the grief of the gay community.
While the transit of Saturn may create a disturbance to the indications of the 2nd house in 2009, these are likely to be less than in 1978 and are also expected to be more linked to economic matters given the operation of the Saturn sub-period during this time.
List of assassinated American policians
US Congressman Leo Ryan
San Francisco Mayor George Moscone
San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk
The Peoples Temple of San Francisco
Jonestown massacre
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