In this article, the inherent strength of the UK Pound Sterling and the US dollar is read from the respective national charts. The strength of the currency indications in the respective horoscopes is then compared and contrasted, the long term trend noted and a prediction made.
Exchange rates
To many, the concept of an exchange rate is not so easy to understand. This is understandable as it tends to become a complicated matter in daily usage. However, some may find the following explanation helpful, while others may skip it and proceed to the next section. The exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another. In other words, it tells us how many units of a national currency are required in exchange for one unit of another currency. If a national currency is strong, it means the people of that country don't have to give up as much of it to obtain other currencies. The opposite would be the case if the national currency is weak. With a strong currency one obtains goods abroad at lower prices. However, the downside is that foreigners do not find the prices of our goods as favourable to buy. In other words, the pricier a currency is, the less well the country would tend to do in balancing its foreign trade, as it would tend to import more than it exports. Fortunately, price is not the only consideration as people also look to their income to decide if they want to spend to obtain a foreign good or service. Over a long time, the exchange rates may show clear trends, either up or down, depending on if one country is more dynamic than another or has some critical advantages influencing money flows. Another thing that may add to the confusion of understanding exchange rates is that their values change quite a bit over time. This is because currencies are traded continuously and the value depends on how many people want to either sell or buy the currencies at any given time and for how much. Moreover, people and companies trade currencies for different reasons. Many do so because they intend to buy foreign goods while others do so because they are aiming to reduce the risk of their international commercial dealings or speculating in the hope of earning a profit. Invariably, the gain of one person is another's loss. Interestingly, the flow in and out of currencies any given day is very large and most of it is for financial reasons and only a fraction to finance merchandise trade. In this regard, we can note that investors may place their money in a foreign country if they have confidence that the investment will return a profit. Countries with stronger currencies tend to benefit by sustained foreign inflows of capital (large sums of money) and tend to pay lower interest rates on such monies (loans or investments) than countries with less currency strength. To this we may add that when participants on global financial markets become worried about their investments, major moves can take place, with capital rushing out of one country and into another, with currency values then in wild swings. Normally, investors flee out of weaker currencies and into safe-haven currencies (noted for their strength or resilience) during difficult times. This quality may also depend on the size of the currency area and its liqudity, the ease with which one can sell a currency without affecting its price on the market.
Astrology of exchange rates
Astrologer & author V. K. Choudhry gave the following definition of currency strength on the SAMVA list on September 26, 2000, prompted by my question:
“It is the power of the state which is shown through the strength of the currency. The authority is first vested in the Sun and then in the Moon. The good financial strength of the nation/wealth is seen through the second house and the regular flow of income is seen through the eleventh house. Taken all these four together they show the real strength of the currency of a particular country.”
Currency strength of a nation thus depends on the integrity of and trust in a state (Sun), the government and the policies it may implement (Moon) as well as the income and wealth of the country. The power of the state may be linked to the size and endowments of the state and its track record in defending its interests in the past. The policies may either help or hinder the wealth generating potential of the economy, including the operation of markets. Markets may be given an excessively free rein or be constrained to the point that they do not yield the optimal outcome. The laws of the country set the rules of the game that either help to resolve ambiguities of what is fair for investors and consumers or they may be unclear and/or biased, such that they favour either seller or buyer at the expense of the other. It is a complex matter. That said, we can look to the natal potential of a horoscope to see the bottom line, in terms of the expected long term trend of currency strength. Over shorter time spans, the astrological analysis of the external value of a currency are linked to the changes between the major or sub-periods of the planets and significant events indicated by transits, which bring either advances or setbacks.
Currency strength of a nation thus depends on the integrity of and trust in a state (Sun), the government and the policies it may implement (Moon) as well as the income and wealth of the country. The power of the state may be linked to the size and endowments of the state and its track record in defending its interests in the past. The policies may either help or hinder the wealth generating potential of the economy, including the operation of markets. Markets may be given an excessively free rein or be constrained to the point that they do not yield the optimal outcome. The laws of the country set the rules of the game that either help to resolve ambiguities of what is fair for investors and consumers or they may be unclear and/or biased, such that they favour either seller or buyer at the expense of the other. It is a complex matter. That said, we can look to the natal potential of a horoscope to see the bottom line, in terms of the expected long term trend of currency strength. Over shorter time spans, the astrological analysis of the external value of a currency are linked to the changes between the major or sub-periods of the planets and significant events indicated by transits, which bring either advances or setbacks.
Horoscope of the UK

Horoscope of the USA
Long term exchange rate
We can now compare and contrast the evolution of the long term value of the UK Pound Sterling and the US dollar in terms of an analysis of their respective horoscopes. The accompanying chart shows the long term trend. The value of the UK Pound has fallen in a rather steady manner for almost one century with respect to the US dollar. This is not surprising as the USA has been in ascendancy in this period while the Sun has set on the British empire. After World War II, the international order of the British Empire, referred to as the Pax Brittannica, was replaced by the USA assuming the mantle in what became known as the Pax Americana.
Recent and future developments

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