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Mr. Trump's win was unexpected |
In the early hours of November 9, 2016, the world was shocked to learn
that Donald Trump had beaten Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House.
Moreover, he did so based on bold new ideas to Make America Great Again. Most people
belonging to the establishment, in the media, politics, policy or polling, predicted
Clinton would win. The majority of astrologers also predicted a Clinton win. The prominence of this prediction involving the majority of astrologers is likely to further undermine the reputation of astrology. For the readers of this blog, however, Trump’s win
came as little surprise, as it had been predicted by astrologer & author V.
K. Choudhry on October 22, 2015, well before Trump emerged victorious in the
Republican Party primaries and before Hillary Clinton was nominated as the
candidate of the Democratic Party. Moreover, on April 4, 2008, Cosmologer presented
his first prediction on this blog, based on the SAMVA USA chart, that the USA would
undergo a significant revitalization from April 2016. This corollary prediction
is now coming true in terms of Trump’s victory and his planned reforms. Importantly,
this outcome holds valuable lessons for the world of astrology.
A bona fide method
leads to more accurate predictions
This complex and astonishing achievement, to predict Trump’s win and the
nature of his policy platform, was made possible by two key ingredients. First,
it relied on a bona fide method of horoscopic astrology, the Systems’ Approach
for Interpreting Horoscope, or SA. Second, it was applied to reasonably accurate
horoscopes for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the United States of America.
Without these two complimentary elements, a reliable method of horoscopic
astrology and the true horoscopes, accurate predictions become impossible. It
is because they rely on logical reasoning or inference involving the natal, transit
and period influences in the horoscope. Astrology suffers from a disadvantage
in that a scientific theory has yet to be advanced to explain how and why the
cosmos influences life on Earth. In the meantime, astrologers can hope that repeat
accurate predictions will eventually attract the attention of open minded
scientists to this field of knowledge. It should be quite clear that an
accurate and well understood system of astrology entails immense benefits.
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Most recent book on SA |
V.K. Choudhry introduced SA in the early 1990s based on the salient insight
that the Sun, Moon and five innermost planets rule the Moolatrikona signs (Mars/Aries,
Moon/Cancer, Sun/Leo, Mercury/Virgo, Venus/Libra, Jupiter/Sagittarius and
Saturn/Aquarius). Further, it is the rising sign that determines what houses
these seven planets rule and whose energy they then also embody. Since then, he and his son, K. Rajesh Chaudhary, have
published numerous books that clear up the accumulated confusions and
contradictions of astrology by advancing clear rules of interpretation and
prediction. As such, SA represents a revolutionary transformation of the
practice of astrology. It also brings horoscopic astrology back to its basic roots
in the cosmology of the Vedas, with its emphasis on human consciousness, the
divine and the law of karma. In doing so, the accuracy of astrology has been
increased for interpreting horoscopes and making predictions.
Indeed, the accurate predictions of V.K. Choudhry and Cosmologer, stand
in contrast to the common prediction by the majority of astrologers that Clinton
would win. At the “Power of
Forecasting” conference of the International Society for Astrological
Research in Costa Mesa, California in October 2016 “...the astrologers
one-by-one aligned against the GOP nominee.”[1] Moreover, “Unanimously, with varying levels of certainty, the astrologers
predicted Clinton would win the presidency. Six American astrologers echoed those predictions at a panel on
Sunday, each calling the election for Clinton with a few weeks left before
voters head to the polls.“[2]
After the election, many astrologers have
readily assigned their predictive failure to “operator error”, or themselves. They
then sought to explain the error in terms of an unobserved element but with the
same methods that led them astray in the first place. While this tendency is understandable,
it would seem logical that these astrologers venture outside their habitual
frame of reference and explore what may be wrong with their methods, rather
than their ability to use the methods. Indeed, many of them impress as being quite
capable given the limits of their methods. As a first step they could examine a
“back to basics” horoscopic method like SA. After all, it has yielded Mr.
Choudhry and countless others repeat accurate predictions. It could even boost
the standing of astrology in the world if more astrologers explored not only
the best practices of
their field but also the asymptotic foundations, such as what zodiac, planets,
houses, etc., to use. After all, a reexamination of the theoretical foundations
of economics was not only considered necessary but reasonable after the
collective failure of the profession to predict the financial crisis of 2007/8.
Many helpful insights were gained and the theoretical frame of reference was
extended and deepened. Indeed, without such efforts, widespread legitimacy is
hard to sustain after a very public failure.
The predictions were based on likely accurate
Donald Trump
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6° Leo rising horoscope of Mr. Trump |
Based on the known
birth information for Donald Trump, Mr. Choudhry performed a thorough analysis
of the 6° Leo rising horoscope for him and over one year before the election he predicted that Mr. Trump "has a fairly good chance of political
success and becoming President." Mr. Choudhry explained that it was
the influence of the Jupiter major period from November 2016 that was the key
astrological element behind the prediction. Interestingly, Mr. Choudhry also made
the interesting observation that "The
close influences on the Sun and weakness of Saturn and Venus brought in the
element of delays in his political pursuits." Indeed, afflictions and
weak planets bring delays in the realisation of their indications. It is clear
from documented interviews that Mr. Trump indicated an interest in seeking the
Presidency already in the late 1980s but ended up waiting until 2015 to take
the plunge.
Hillary Clinton
Over the years, several birth times have been mentioned for Hillary
Clinton, notably 8:02 am and 8:00 pm. In addition, 2:18 am and 1:18 pm or 1:25
pm have more recently been mentioned as being possible birth times for her. Mr.
Choudhry carefully considered the morning and evening times and made
predictions against a 7° Gemini rising chart based on the 8:00 pm time, before
rejecting both as possible for her. In July 2016, he presented a rectified 23°
Leo rising chart for her based on 2:25 am time. On August 9, Mr. Choudhry
presented on SAMVA list the following prediction that "None of the three charts gives good hope for her success in the
Presidential election." In a post on SAMVA list on October 23, 2016, titled
“Hillary’s difficult end game”, Cosmologer explained how the transit and period
influences in the 23° Leo rising chart for her were seen to be adverse in the
run up to the election. Moreover, based on a suggestion, he considered a birth
chart with 14° Capricorn rising for 1:22 pm but concluded it also indicated a
loss for her. Earlier, in a private correspondence he had concluded that other
ascendants for her birthday were not giving much hope for her. In short, while no single horoscope has been established for Hillary Clinton, the possible choices were considered exhaustively, with all yielding the same result, the likelihood of a loss.
United States of America
The SAMVA USA chart was discovered on December 30, 2006. Confidence in the chart was
established expeditiously with several predictions being made for the spring of
2007 identifying e.g. difficulties for the housing sector and the likelihood of a violent event involving loss of life. The
sub-prime crisis began and the Virginia Tech massacre took place. After significant amount of research into the correspondance of the chart with significant historical events, the first
long term prediction was made against the chart on April 4, 2008.
“In the third
SUN dasa in the 3rd dasa cycle, which runs from April 9 2016 to April 10 2022,
we can expect the extension of the territory, the increased authority of the
USA abroad, in short, the return of the might of the country.”[3]
A subsequent prediction in November 2009 elaborated further on what to
forthcoming periods of the Sun (April 2016 - April 2022), Moon (- April 2032)
and Mars (- April
2039) indicate that the US will experience a return to considerable progress in
the national life during these periods, associated with policies that lead to a
reduction in tensions over inequality or injustices, consistent with earlier
such periods in the national life.”[4]
On March 7, 2010 a further elaboration of the prediction was made.
“A predicted
U.S. resurgence will likely take place in the coming Sun major period
(2016-2022). This could involve a re-exertion of U.S. military power in the
world or a significant push to expand the frontier of space…. major
political reforms in coming years to resolve the social malaise of inequalities
and economic problems.”[5]
These predictions were obviously made well before Trump emerged in June
2015 with his candidacy aimed at restoring America to greatness. More impressively,
it was made before the emergence of grass-roots political insurgency associated
with the Tea Party Movement in January 2009 or the Occupy Wall Street Movement
in September 2011, which greatly affected the national political discourse. Indeed,
the OWS emphasized the unacceptability of inequality and economic injustice.
These insights grew out of a reading of the 120 year Vimsottari dasa cycle of
major periods in the chart. Indeed, during the earlier identical periods there
was a shift from the Gilded Age to the Progressive Era. In fact, the discussion
on the blog preceded the subsequent national discussion about such a shift in our
own time. That said, it now looks like these predictions for the country have begun to be realised.
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V. K. Choudhry |
To the ordinary person, it may seem risky, even downright foolhardy, to
make predictions long in advance with little knowledge of how the relevant
issues may ultimately evolve. For astrologers, this is the terrain they often find
themselves in. This feeling of risk may be more intense when the astrologer has
little confidence in their method of interpretation and prediction. It is normal
in such a situation to rely on the media consensus, peers or polls, especially
when the election is only weeks away. Despite such seeming advantages, a
catastrophic prediction failure may still happen. It is because, the prediction
was not based on a reliable method of astrology and was more based on external
information or subjective preferences. Indeed, the true benefit of astrology is that it can show us the
karmic potential and what is likely to happen. This is especially important
when turning points may be around the corner. The linear projection is useless,
when the unexpected shifts occur. Indeed, this was the case in 2008 to 2010
when a prediction was made for a radical transformation to take place in the
USA in 2016. This far out prediction was based on confidence in SA as a reliable
method of astrology and the SAMVA USA horoscope, as the authentic horoscope for
the country. The prediction for Trump to win was made more than one year ahead
of the election by V.K. Choudhry. At that time, Mr. Trump had yet to emerge out
of the field of 17 competitors. Mr.
Choudhry’s bold prediction was also based on the same confidence in his
horoscopic method and the accuracy of the horoscopes for Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton. This
confidence and predictive success can be had by anyone wishing to employ the same
[1] Astrologers Align Against Trump: Democrats to retain White House,
stargazers predict
Astrology News Service, Edward Snow – October 20, 2016
[2] Astrologers predict a Hillary Clinton victory is in the stars
[3] The End of Greatness
Los Angeles Times – October 16, 2016
http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-astrology-election-20161018-snap-story.html[3] The End of Greatness
Cosmologer’s blog – April 4, 2008
[4] From Gilded Age to Progressive Era
Cosmologer’s blog –November 18, 2009
[5] The Rise of US Imperial Power
Cosmologer’s blog – March 7, 2010
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