On April 19, 2016 will be the third time the USA begins a major
planetary period of the Sun in the 20° Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart. The chart
is based on the time when the country was formed as a Perpetual Union at 17:00
LMT on February 2, 1781 in Annapolis, MD (relocated to then capital city of
Philadelphia, PA with 16:59 LMT).
Following weak and divisive major periods of Ketu (1989-1996) and Venus (1996-2016), lasting for almost three decades, the Sun major period (2016-2022) promises to usher in positive changes
in the national life. The Sun is a powerful and benefic planet in the Cancer
rising horoscope as the lord of the second house, a sun-like house. It is
placed in the productive and ambitious sign of Capricorn, and is on the most effective point
(MEP) of the seventh house. The Sun thereby adds power and status to the foreign relations of the USA. As the Sun also aspects the 1st house of self,
the image of the country as a powerful entity gains added prominence.
During previous Sun major periods, leadership in the national
life has thus come to the forefront. Accordingly, this karma of the nation
suggest that a person will be brought forth as a leader that embodies such qualities. In
the prior Sun major periods, the leaders who inspired others with their stature
and heart were George Washington and William McKinley. They also had the
personal understanding and conviction to enact major and desired changes at the
national level.
As a lead in let us recall an insightful conversation on SAMVA
list many years ago with astrologer & author V. K. Choudhry on the types of power that may be
distinguished through the planets. In particular, Mr. Choudhry made the
distinction between the power that is felt in terms of authority and respect, which he
related to the Sun, and the power that comes from the direct application of
force, which is linked to Mars. The former type of power is typically embodied
by the leader of the country (Sun) while the latter type of power is
represented by the police and military (Mars).
Below we review the leadership episodes of these two men and consider if the leading candidates today embody such qualities and vision.
FIRST SUN PERIOD (April 19, 1776 – April 18, 1782)
The first period began in April 1776 at a time when a full-scale
revolt of the colonials against British rule was in full swing. While this was
before the actual formation of the country in 1781, it is consistent with the
evolving karma of the new country. Importantly, the first Sun period was prefaced
by decades of social problems stemming from conflicts with the French, Indians
and finally the British. Victory in the Revolutionary War was achieved with the
surrender of British General Cornwallis on October 19, 1781, half a year before
the period ended in April 1782.
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George Washington |
George Washington (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799) was
the military leader of the Americans in the Revolutionary War. In 1775 the
Second Continental Congress commissioned him as commander-in-chief of the
Continental Army in the American Revolution. In that command, Washington forced
the British out of Boston in 1776, but was defeated and nearly captured later
that year when he lost New York City. After crossing the Delaware River in the
middle of winter, he defeated the British in two battles (Trenton and
Princeton), retook New Jersey and restored momentum to the Patriot cause. His
strategy enabled Continental forces to capture two major British armies at
Saratoga in 1777 and Yorktown in 1781. Historians laud Washington for the
selection and supervision of his generals, preservation and command of the
army, coordination with the Congress, with state governors and their militia,
and attention to supplies, logistics, and training. In battle, however,
Washington was repeatedly outmaneuvered by British generals with larger armies.
After victory had been finalized in 1783, Washington resigned as
commander-in-chief rather than seize power, proving his opposition to
dictatorship and his commitment to American republicanism.[1]
SECOND SUN PERIOD (April 19, 1896 – April 18, 1902)
The second period began in April 1896 when the nation voted into
office new energetic leadership in the person of William McKinley who began to
transform the country by rejecting the ideas of the conflictual Gilded Age and
introduced policies founding the economically more active and socially more harmonious
Progressive Era. President Roosevelt continued with vigour such policies in the second term, after McKinley's assassination.
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William McKinley |
William McKinley (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) was the
25th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1897, until his
assassination in September 1901, six months into his second term. McKinley led
the nation to victory in the Spanish–American War, raised protective tariffs to
promote American industry, and maintained the nation on the gold standard in a
rejection of inflationary proposals…he secured the Republican nomination for
president in 1896, amid a deep economic depression. He defeated his Democratic
rival, William Jennings Bryan, after a front-porch campaign in which he
advocated "sound money" (the gold standard unless altered by
international agreement) and promised that high tariffs would restore
prosperity. McKinley hoped to persuade Spain to grant independence to
rebellious Cuba without conflict, but when negotiation failed, he led the
nation in the Spanish–American War of 1898; the U.S. victory was quick and
decisive. As part of the peace settlement, Spain turned over to the United
States its main overseas colonies of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines;
Cuba was promised independence, but at that time remained under the control of
the U.S. Army. The United States annexed the independent Republic of Hawaii in
1898 and it became a U.S. territory.[2]
As the above makes abundantly clear, the leaders of the USA during the prior Sun major periods, embodied the power of authority and respect in their time to a pronounced degree. Of course, this positive energy is ever present concerning the US Presidency, but is much more apparent during the Sun period than at other times.
THIRD SUN PERIOD (April 19, 2016 – April 18, 2022)
The third time this period is dawning in April 2016, the country
is in the throes of a full blown political rebellion against the party
establishment, with a focus on rejecting the ideas of the past and bringing in
more energetic leadership. The likely choices the USA electorate will face in
November, are Donald Trump (June 14, 1946 -) and Hillary Clinton (October 26, 1947 -). The question is which candidate
is more aligned with the karmic energy of the country.
It is in this context that the political platform of the leading Republican candidate for President, Donald
Trump, is interesting. He has spoken of the need to Make America Great Again, and to put America First in the foreign policy domain. Recently, he spoke about what he would like to project abroad as leader of the USA.
He said
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Donald Trump |
“Real power is through respect. Real power is, I don’t even want
to use the word, fear. But you know, our military is very sadly depleted. You
look at what’s going on with respect to our military and it’s depleted from all
of the cuts,” Trump said, noting that he frequently sees advertisements for
former U.S. military bases being available for purchase. “I don’t want people
to be afraid. I want them to respect our country,” he said. “Right now, they
don’t respect our country.”[3]
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Hillary Clinton |
It seems Trump‘s aspirations are quite well aligned with the power
identified with the Sun major period and this foreseen shift in emphasis. However, some question his speaking style and propensity to say things that are not immediately appreciated. So far, he has been able to transcend such problems. The question is if his likely main rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton, reflects more credibly this energy of authority and respect in her aspirations and manner?
The American voters will soon decide.
[1] Wikipedia entry on George Washington.
[2] Wikipedia entry on William McKinley
[3] Bob Woodward interview with Donald Trump in Washington Post, April 2, 2016.
[1] Wikipedia entry on George Washington.
[2] Wikipedia entry on William McKinley
[3] Bob Woodward interview with Donald Trump in Washington Post, April 2, 2016.
Well written, in depth analysis. Thanks.
Donald Trump has been a prominent leader during the current term in Office, which is so far in line with the Sun major planetary period from April 2016 to April 2022.
Moreover, his election was accurately predicted in October 2015 by the late propounder of the Systems' Approach, astrologer and author, Vinod Kumar Choudhry. http://yournetastrologer.com/Donald_trump_prediction.htm
During Trump's term, the country has, however, been challenged by
1) a sequence of three adverse sub-periods from mid 2017 to February 2020, and
2) very difficult transits in 2019.
Indeed, the political obstruction of his adversaries has been phenomenal during the
a) transit of 8th lord Saturn, ruling obstruction and endings, in the 6th house of political opposition from January 2017 to January 2020. The political opposition has aimed intently on ending his Presidency, most recently with a formal impeachment over a phone call to a foreign leader.
b) transit nodes in bad 6th and 12th houses since March 2019, for one and half years, adding to the disturbance involving the political opposition and foreign adversaries.
Finally, the title of the article from April 2016 resonates with this phenomenon of Trump being perceived as behaving like a "Sun King", something earlier associated with French king Louis XIV, who is alleged to have said "L'etat c'est moi (The state, that's me). Indeed, last week Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, likened Trump to a "King President". It is not completely without reason and certainly in line with the prediction embodied in the title.
Impeachment will go ahead, says Pelosi, as she compares Trump to a 'king president'
The Independent, Ben Riley-Smith in Washington, December 6 2019 2:30 AM
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