In June 2020, a growing battle rages in America over the future of the country and who shall lead it. Since 2016, a veritable political revolution has been underway in the USA. While it exploded on the scene after the financial crisis of 2008 and subsequent recession, its roots lie deeper as is explained below.
The popular revolt began in Obama's first term, with the Tea Party movement in 2010 and then the more radical Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011 and 2012. This was an uprising of people on Main Street, the 99 percenters, against the Wall Street bail-outs of the 1 percenters. These protests were early expressions of voter dissatisfaction with the political status quo and corruption in Washington DC, where politicians pass laws favourable to their wealthy sponsors in order to become wealthy themselves. It was into this dynamic that the independently wealthy businessman, Donald Trump, stepped in order to take up the reform banner in 2015 and he has carried it bravely since. But there has also been a counter-revolution in the offing, begun as an unsuccessful deep-state effort to remove Trump from Office, followed by race riots in May 2020 and anarchy in Seattle in June 2020.
The November 3, 2020 election will decide which direction the nation takes. The political opposition wants to return to the Obama era policies of globalism, while Trump seeks a mandate to continue with his nationalistic policies of reform.
The November 3, 2020 election will decide which direction the nation takes. The political opposition wants to return to the Obama era policies of globalism, while Trump seeks a mandate to continue with his nationalistic policies of reform.
Making Trump the Issue
Interestingly, rather than focus on Trump's policies, the Democrats and media corporations try to frame the election around Trump's character. They have directed relentless attacks at perceived flaws in Trump's personality, accusing him of racism and supporting white supremacists. They cite his unpredictable temperament as a risk to national security and point to alleged past sexual transgressions and cutthroat business practices as the best indicator of his true motives to enrich himself while in office. On June 18, 2020, Nancy Pelosi summed up the Democrat's position by stating that "Trump Is ‘Ethically Unfit, Intellectually Unprepared, and Personally Unqualified to Be President’".
Trump's reform vision
Meanwhile, Trump's supporters focus on his visionary strategic intelligence and management capability to reverse the nation's course. Indeed, despite relentless hostility and Machiavellian opposition from the Democrats, the deep state and the media corporations, President Trump has managed to make strides since January 2017 in reforming the costly US-China trade relationship, rampant illegal immigration, anti-business tax policy, restrictive government regulations, lack of high tech manufacturing, abusive foreign relationships, lack of military preparedness, insufficient space exploration, costly military engagement around the world, business-hostile environmental protection, limits to the role of religion in the public square, etc., etc.
Trump's political inheritance
Trump claims that policies of previous administrations decimated American manufacturing jobs, left a dilapidated military, weakened America's position in the world, allowed drugs and crime to sweep the country, while poverty was allowed to become entrenched around the nation, and most of all was killing the American spirit. Indeed, anarchy has reigned in America's inner cities, with growing crime met by increasing police violence. Trump´s professed aim is to Make America Great Again, and in his second term to Keep America Great, by restoring well-paying jobs, especially for minorities in the inner cities, in an effort to bring them out of the poverty-and-crime trap.
Setbacks for Trump
After a bruising impeachment battle from Spring 2019 to early 2020, the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic from China, punctured Trump´s election sales pitch. The economy ground to a halt and unemployment skyrocketed. As Trump has struggled to revive the economy and get people back at their jobs, the Democrats suggest the problems are all a result of Trump's failed policies, suggesting also that high profile police killings of black men are being encouraged by his racism. However, all of this is not stopping his supporters, who are crowding in Tulsa ahead of Saturday´s rally.
Wealthy Puppet Masters
The reality of American life is that billionaires own the huge international corporations and their interests are not those of ordinary Americans. In fact, they directly benefit from the misery of Obama era economic policies of e.g. unrestricted free trade and illegal immigration, that have inflicted so much economic pain on ordinary Americans. As the middle class was systematically eviscerated from the 1970s, the greatest inequality emerged since the era of Robber Barons in the late 19th century.
Trump's reform vision
Meanwhile, Trump's supporters focus on his visionary strategic intelligence and management capability to reverse the nation's course. Indeed, despite relentless hostility and Machiavellian opposition from the Democrats, the deep state and the media corporations, President Trump has managed to make strides since January 2017 in reforming the costly US-China trade relationship, rampant illegal immigration, anti-business tax policy, restrictive government regulations, lack of high tech manufacturing, abusive foreign relationships, lack of military preparedness, insufficient space exploration, costly military engagement around the world, business-hostile environmental protection, limits to the role of religion in the public square, etc., etc.
Trump's political inheritance
Trump claims that policies of previous administrations decimated American manufacturing jobs, left a dilapidated military, weakened America's position in the world, allowed drugs and crime to sweep the country, while poverty was allowed to become entrenched around the nation, and most of all was killing the American spirit. Indeed, anarchy has reigned in America's inner cities, with growing crime met by increasing police violence. Trump´s professed aim is to Make America Great Again, and in his second term to Keep America Great, by restoring well-paying jobs, especially for minorities in the inner cities, in an effort to bring them out of the poverty-and-crime trap.
Setbacks for Trump
After a bruising impeachment battle from Spring 2019 to early 2020, the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic from China, punctured Trump´s election sales pitch. The economy ground to a halt and unemployment skyrocketed. As Trump has struggled to revive the economy and get people back at their jobs, the Democrats suggest the problems are all a result of Trump's failed policies, suggesting also that high profile police killings of black men are being encouraged by his racism. However, all of this is not stopping his supporters, who are crowding in Tulsa ahead of Saturday´s rally.
Wealthy Puppet Masters
The reality of American life is that billionaires own the huge international corporations and their interests are not those of ordinary Americans. In fact, they directly benefit from the misery of Obama era economic policies of e.g. unrestricted free trade and illegal immigration, that have inflicted so much economic pain on ordinary Americans. As the middle class was systematically eviscerated from the 1970s, the greatest inequality emerged since the era of Robber Barons in the late 19th century.
Market-based capitalism or corporate socialism?
President Trump is working to reverse these policies, while keeping the basis of American capitalism intact. It is true, free-market capitalism has been abused by the wealthy, undermining true democracy. Despite this, Trump's opponents, the Democrats, seek to grow the role of corporate-socialism, whereby high-income individuals pay extraordinarily high income taxes to keep the poorest clothed and fed through government handouts. Meanwhile, the rich, who own the corporations, are largely left untouched by the income taxes in order to become ever richer, while the poor get poorer. Likely, wealth taxes are needed, along with reforms to the free trade dictum, to not only equate supply and demand more effectively in the US economy, and thereby reduce the reliance on debt to drive economic growth, but also to reduce the shocking poverty. Should Trump fail on this score, the days of capitalism may be numbered. More amazing, is the guile and corruption of the mega wealthy, who use their media corporations to exploit any claim relating to Trump's alleged personality flaws. They do so to hide or obscure the true source of the problem, their corruption in buying political power to enact policies that serve their wealth building. Theirs is a highly unethical stand that many left wing or liberal Americans fail to understand. In their naivete or ignorance, they are caught up in the daily projection by the amoral hired guns of the media corporations, worrying about Trump as this "evil" man that is out to get them.
The duality of Donald Trump
It is easy to understand the astrology of this duality in Trump's 7° Leo rising chart:
The Cons
The character issues are related to his 1st lord Sun being weak in old age and afflicted by an exalted Rahu in the 10th house, while opposite an exalted Ketu and debilitated 12th lord Moon in the 4th house. This placement, indeed, made Trump a wealthy man, who used cutthroat business practices. He also has 3rd lord Venus conjunct 7th lord Saturn in the 12th house, suggesting his utterances are problematic and that his close relations involve losses. So, there is both smoke and fire there.
The Pros
However, Trump also enjoys the placement of a strong 5th lord, ruling intelligence and management ability, Jupiter, well placed and strong in Virgo and 2nd house. Its dispositor, 2nd lord (ruling wealth, status and family) Mercury, is equally well placed and strong in Gemini and the 11th house. These placements indicate tremendous gift in understanding complex management issues and ability to form a strategy to enact reforms. Moreover, the strong Jupiter makes the man religious. As Jupiter also rules offspring, Trump has handsome and capable children that bring him joy. These gifts are boosted by his 9th lord, ruling religion and father, Mars, being conjunct his 1st house most effective point (MEP). Indeed, Trump owes both his wealth and religious sense to his father taking him along to listen to the sermons of Norman Vincent Peal. As the Jupiter major period opened up at the very time that Trump was elected President in November 2016, Trump's religiosity became apparent.
President Trump is working to reverse these policies, while keeping the basis of American capitalism intact. It is true, free-market capitalism has been abused by the wealthy, undermining true democracy. Despite this, Trump's opponents, the Democrats, seek to grow the role of corporate-socialism, whereby high-income individuals pay extraordinarily high income taxes to keep the poorest clothed and fed through government handouts. Meanwhile, the rich, who own the corporations, are largely left untouched by the income taxes in order to become ever richer, while the poor get poorer. Likely, wealth taxes are needed, along with reforms to the free trade dictum, to not only equate supply and demand more effectively in the US economy, and thereby reduce the reliance on debt to drive economic growth, but also to reduce the shocking poverty. Should Trump fail on this score, the days of capitalism may be numbered. More amazing, is the guile and corruption of the mega wealthy, who use their media corporations to exploit any claim relating to Trump's alleged personality flaws. They do so to hide or obscure the true source of the problem, their corruption in buying political power to enact policies that serve their wealth building. Theirs is a highly unethical stand that many left wing or liberal Americans fail to understand. In their naivete or ignorance, they are caught up in the daily projection by the amoral hired guns of the media corporations, worrying about Trump as this "evil" man that is out to get them.
The duality of Donald Trump
It is easy to understand the astrology of this duality in Trump's 7° Leo rising chart:
The Cons
The character issues are related to his 1st lord Sun being weak in old age and afflicted by an exalted Rahu in the 10th house, while opposite an exalted Ketu and debilitated 12th lord Moon in the 4th house. This placement, indeed, made Trump a wealthy man, who used cutthroat business practices. He also has 3rd lord Venus conjunct 7th lord Saturn in the 12th house, suggesting his utterances are problematic and that his close relations involve losses. So, there is both smoke and fire there.
The Pros
However, Trump also enjoys the placement of a strong 5th lord, ruling intelligence and management ability, Jupiter, well placed and strong in Virgo and 2nd house. Its dispositor, 2nd lord (ruling wealth, status and family) Mercury, is equally well placed and strong in Gemini and the 11th house. These placements indicate tremendous gift in understanding complex management issues and ability to form a strategy to enact reforms. Moreover, the strong Jupiter makes the man religious. As Jupiter also rules offspring, Trump has handsome and capable children that bring him joy. These gifts are boosted by his 9th lord, ruling religion and father, Mars, being conjunct his 1st house most effective point (MEP). Indeed, Trump owes both his wealth and religious sense to his father taking him along to listen to the sermons of Norman Vincent Peal. As the Jupiter major period opened up at the very time that Trump was elected President in November 2016, Trump's religiosity became apparent.
Trump and religious freedom
To understand the complexity of the political debate in the USA, it is noteworthy that the Democrats have seen Trump's religious stance as a flaw. This is because it runs against their atheist or a-religious beliefs. As part of their globalist (anti-nationalist) plan, they seek to evict religion from the public square in order to make a one-world government more acceptable to all. The no borders strategy is part of the same mind set. To this end, the Democrats promote other religions in America, as a counterweight or antidote to the nation's Christian heritage. Perhaps, the assumption is that the religions will cancel one another out? Clearly, denial of religion became a Politically Correct way toward this end. Trump has rejected the PC strictures. As his bible photo (above) and Merry Christmas greetings show, he is unapologetic in his support for revitalising the majority religion, Christianity, which he claims is part of true religious freedom.
Globalism's problem brought forth a solution
The real problem with globalism is economic, or its reliance on unrestricted free trade, which has eviscerated the US middle class. That situation made Trump's Presidency a reality, and little more. He honed a message that filled the vacuum for policies supporting the middle class. Meanwhile, his opponent, a part of the political elite in Washington DC, focused on the one world ideals and to become wealthy through their public service (to their paymasters).
Trump Derangement Syndrome
It is now easier to see that voters who detest President Trump focus on his character issues, while his supporters look past them and see more his ability to manage the national affairs in their favour. Moreover, due to the role of the Democratic party and media corporations, many of those who can't stand Trump, find it easy to deny the reality of his reforms, being supported on a daily basis in the reality contorting reportage of the media corporations. They are focused on his flaws as a man, whether they see him as a white supremacist racist, as in the "Fine People Hoax", or as a "dangerous" man. For instance, his early critics warned that he was a war mongering fascist and would get the US embroiled in needless wars. The experience has been exactly opposite. Trump has been busy trying to reduce America's military footprint around the globe and avoid "hot" wars. Today, it is Washington DC's most famous war monger, John Bolton, that is Trump's key critic, due to Trump' reluctance to go to war. What some find more troubling with Bolton's book is not his negative depiction of Trump, which has become commonplace, but the fact that Bolton, as he himself describes it, was in the White House solely to push his own personal foreign policy favouring war over diplomacy. In order to strike fear in the hearts of voters, Trump's opponents have recently labelled him "an enemy of democracy" as the "head of a terrifying new far-right insurrection." Meanwhile, Trump continues to implement the policies he campaigned on, trying not to be slowed down by the political opposition. All these distortions have given rise to the term Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Trump Derangement Syndrome
It is now easier to see that voters who detest President Trump focus on his character issues, while his supporters look past them and see more his ability to manage the national affairs in their favour. Moreover, due to the role of the Democratic party and media corporations, many of those who can't stand Trump, find it easy to deny the reality of his reforms, being supported on a daily basis in the reality contorting reportage of the media corporations. They are focused on his flaws as a man, whether they see him as a white supremacist racist, as in the "Fine People Hoax", or as a "dangerous" man. For instance, his early critics warned that he was a war mongering fascist and would get the US embroiled in needless wars. The experience has been exactly opposite. Trump has been busy trying to reduce America's military footprint around the globe and avoid "hot" wars. Today, it is Washington DC's most famous war monger, John Bolton, that is Trump's key critic, due to Trump' reluctance to go to war. What some find more troubling with Bolton's book is not his negative depiction of Trump, which has become commonplace, but the fact that Bolton, as he himself describes it, was in the White House solely to push his own personal foreign policy favouring war over diplomacy. In order to strike fear in the hearts of voters, Trump's opponents have recently labelled him "an enemy of democracy" as the "head of a terrifying new far-right insurrection." Meanwhile, Trump continues to implement the policies he campaigned on, trying not to be slowed down by the political opposition. All these distortions have given rise to the term Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The voter's decision
There are now two positions competing in the November 3, 2020 election. The Democrats seek a return to the Obama era policies and Trump wants to continue with the reforms. Who will win?
There are now two positions competing in the November 3, 2020 election. The Democrats seek a return to the Obama era policies and Trump wants to continue with the reforms. Who will win?
Horoscope of Donald Trump
In the 2016 election, when Trump was on the cusp of a supremely strong Jupiter - Jupiter period with Jupiter strong in transit, Indian author and astrologer, Vinod Kumar Choudhry, predicted Trump would win, even as the odds seemed overwhelming against him. He proved to be right in his prediction, when the majority of astrologers predicted for Hillary Clinton to win.
In 2020 election, Trump, as the incumbent, is fighting for a second term when his sub-period involves Saturn, that is weak and badly placed both natally and in transit. That is not a good combination. Indeed, Trump's political position has weakened suddenly and remarkably in his Jupiter-Saturn period that began in January 2019, but more so after transit Saturn entered Capricorn and his 6th house in January 2020. Then his economic progress was suddenly halted and reversed by a scary pandemic and thereafter his popularity was hurt by an outrageous case of police violence in Minneapolis and the violent riots that followed.
Joe Biden's Horoscope

However, the Democrats are fielding a candidate, Joe Biden, who has his own weaknesses, involving allegations of corruption to enrich his family members as well as the onset of old-age senility and past statements of a racist nature. A 28° Libra rising horoscope has been rectified for Biden, which brings out his magnetic personality and explains his stunning rise in life, major family tragedies but also his political corruption. On election day, Joe Biden will be running the Jupiter-Rahu period, with transit Rahu in the most effective point of his 8th house of endings, conjunct his 10th lord Moon of career. It is likely that his background will catch up with him on election day.
Despite his own weakness, and his own difficult period and transit influences on election day, it is likely Trump will manage to be re-elected. He has also been the driving force for enacting the reforms predicted during the Sun major period of the SAMVA USA chart. It is hard to imagine that a candidate who promotes a 180° turn will replace him.
Interestingly, the SAMVA USA chart bespeaks of a repeat of civic or other violence as 2020 ends and 2021 begins. One possible expression is that Democratic voters, due to their frustration with the apparent demise of their political project and influence, will become fed up by the relentless negative media coverage of Trump and take to the streets in protest, with some committing acts of violence.
One element in Trump's favour is the Jupiter-Mercury period, that runs from July 2021 to October 2023. During that time, his strategic vision will likely be validated in the collective mind, no matter the acute protestations of the Democrats and media corporations.
There have been long standing efforts to undermine Trump and then remove him from his duly elected position through underhanded means. It is possible his opponents have not given up. While Trump is in a weakened position until mid-2021, it is nevertheless predicted that he will be re-elected as President of the United States on November 3, 2020.
The views and insights presented in this article, contextualising President Trump and the modern US political development, are those of Cosmologer. They should not be taken to be a result of analysis with or otherwise related to the Systems' Approach.
The views and insights presented in this article, contextualising President Trump and the modern US political development, are those of Cosmologer. They should not be taken to be a result of analysis with or otherwise related to the Systems' Approach.
Dear Thor
Great article and insight
i also believe Democrats are doomed
they have NO new plans to offer and How can an OLD senile man become a president and lead the country; NO WAY
we need make america great again to continue to stand Against chinese otherwise they going to take over entire world.
thanks as always
thank you 🖇️❤️ woww
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