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These reforms highlight the obstacles Trump may face in the new year.
A major planetary period represents an overarching trend in the national life, highlighting the influences of a particular planet. The Moon major period has been operating since April 2022 in the 20° Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart and will continue until 2032. During this period, significant progress is expected in the national affairs of the USA, particularly in terms of national identity and the material wellbeing of citizens.
The Moon, as the 1st lord, is placed in its exaltation sign, Taurus, and the 11th house of income, alliances, and aspirations. This placement suggests flourishing in these areas, provided that sub-period and transit influences do not overshadow it.
In April 2022, the article "New Age of Progress" predicted that we could expect "fresh and positive winds of change" in national affairs. This includes fame, technical mastery, military and exploratory success, and intelligence in national management. It also indicated an element of expansiveness, optimism, religiousness, and determination. The article noted that unethical policies favoring the wealthy few were unlikely to make headway during this time. It suggested that new leadership might invigorate the nation, with private sector figures like Elon Musk pushing ahead with exciting projects.
Since then, we've seen tremendous progress in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, self-landing rocket boosters, self-driving EVs, robots, and more, inspiring optimism in the population and investment community. We've also witnessed a political revolution against crony capitalism, where establishment politicians have long favored large companies over worker interests. During this period, their influence is expected to recede in the political arena.
There will be a strain on the good going and for the national identity in June to August when tr 8th lord Saturn becomes stationary at 7° Pisces and 9th house closely aspecting 1st lord Moon at 7° 20' Taurus in the 11th house. Given the Moon's natal strength, no setback is expected for its indications during that stressful time.
The year starts with the Moon-Rahu period, which began in mid-September 2023 and ends in mid-March 2025. The sub-period highlights significant trends in national life when the planet's indications come to the fore during its brief operation.
Natal Rahu is placed in the most effective point (MEP) of the 10th house in the SAMVA USA chart, emphasizing recurring manipulations in government, legislature, and foreign trade.
For half a century, Americans have endured crony capitalism involving corrupt politicians and civil servants beholden to influential corporations. This has been detrimental to the American working class. Inequality is the great blight on an otherwise leading nation. President-elect Trump has promised to address this corruption by reforming the federal government. Like in the Sun major period, the impetus from the Moon period is to clamp down on such corruption in the national life.
During Joe Biden's presidency, the Rahu sub-period has been associated with moral and value-related problems for Americans. Transit Rahu, the indicator of deception and manipulation, moved through the Pisces and the 9th house of the SAMVA USA chart from November 29, 2023, from where it affected the 1st, 3rd, and 5th houses in the first half of 2024. While there, transit Rahu highlighted corruption in judicial affairs as the Democrats used their power to target Donald Trump with numerous court cases, termed "lawfare" of 2023-2024. The media supported this effort, but all of it failed on November 5, 2024, when Trump was re-elected. The Rahu sub-period ends in March and the transit of Rahu in the 9th house ends on June 2, 2025, all of which is expected to bring closure to these efforts.
As the year opens, transit Rahu is in a mutual aspect with natal 6th lord Jupiter in Scorpio and the 5th house (blue line in below graph). This combination could increase the risk of the USA entering a foreign war due to manipulations in foreign relations. With tr 8th lord Saturn in the MEP of the 8th house until mid February 2025, from where it aspects the 10th, 2nd and 5th houses (holding natal 6th lord Jupiter), there can be violence in the national life.
Until the end of this sub-period, transit Rahu in Pisces afflicts transit debilitated Mars in Cancer from late November 2024 to mid-May 2025. As the year begins, transit Mars will be within a 1° aspect of Rahu, exact on January 5, suggesting manipulations in government, legislature, and foreign trade. This aspect also brings out anti-social or criminal behaviour. It becomes exact again on April 10, in the Moon-Jupiter period, with transit Mars in infancy, making it powerless to protect its indications.
Jupiter Sub-Period
On March 16, 2025, the Moon-Jupiter period begins, running until July 2026. This period promises to be interesting as Jupiter, the 6th lord of conflict in the 5th house, aspects the exalted Moon, the 1st lord in the 11th house. Both planets are well-placed, with the Moon in full strength and Jupiter almost so. This aspect gives Americans a strong sense of identity and resilience in the face of challenges. It also imparts optimism and spirituality, supported by the Sun, the 2nd lord in the 7th house, aspecting the 1st house.
On March 24, 2025, transit 8th lord Saturn in early Pisces will enter the aspect of natal Jupiter at 4° 20' Scorpio and the 5th house, remaining within a 5° orb of the trinal aspect (orange line) until March 16, 2026. The aspect becomes exact when transit 8th lord Saturn is at 4° 20' Pisces three times, first on May 7th, then on September 20th, 2025 and for the third and final time on January 31st, 2026. This aspect is considered violence-inducing, especially if Saturn is also influencing Jupiter in this timeframe. This occurs on April 1, 2025, when transit 6th lord Jupiter in Taurus begins to aspect natal 8th lord Saturn in Scorpio, becoming exact on April 29, 2025.
Moreover, after being conjunct transit stationary Rahu since March 8th, transit 8th lord Saturn enters Pisces on March 30th, where the conjunction with Rahu becomes exact on April 21. This combination remains influential until mid-May, impacting working people, civil servants, the oil industry, and the economy. This corresponds with the goals of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) as described above. Those actions could potentially cause a lot of confusion and lead to a reduction in government stimulus to the economy, which would then cause a deterioration in the economy and on financial markets over the summer.
On May 15, 2025, transit 6th lord Jupiter, ruling conflict, will exit Taurus and enter Gemini, moving into the 12th house of losses, where it will stay for about a year. This placement weakens Jupiter's functional indications as the 6th lord as well as its general indications. Astrologer and author, K. Rajesh Chaudhary describes these indications thus:
"The sixth house rules public amity, relations with neighbors, general health of the public, political stability, financial solvency of the nation, management of debts, litigations, judicial functioning, communal harmony in the country and labor relations. The close natal/transit afflictions to the sixth house or its lord by the most malefic planet or slow moving planets from the malefic houses indicate fatal accidents involving large number of deaths, debts and setback from conflict."
„Jupiter is the indicator of advisors to the heads of State, ministers, preceptors, diplomats, judges, treasury, top political and administrative positions, teaching, law, financial institutions and advisory roles, astrologers, management experts, administrators, business consulting and financial services. It acts as the significator for the ninth house. When strong, it rules expansion and optimism.“
„The twelfth house rules financial losses, expenditure, mishaps, group hospitalizations, foreign debt, wars and smuggling. The close afflictions to the twelfth house or its lord by the malefic planets from the malefic houses indicate losses for the country.“
This transit of Jupiter happens regularly every twelve years or so. Here is a review of the three most recent such transits.
July 1989 to July 1990: "Operation Just Cause" was a US military intervention in Panama. It faced significant challenges, including the loss of 23 American soldiers and the controversial capture of Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega.
June 2001 to July 2002: On "September 11" there were devastating terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, that led to a prolonged conflict in Afghanistan, with significant casualties and challenges in stabilizing the region. "Operation Anaconda, was another major US military operation in Afghanistan in 2002 that faced fierce resistance from Taliban and al-Qaeda forces, resulting in higher-than-expected US casualties.
June 2013 to June 2014: "Fall of Mosul", was the rapid fall of Mosul to ISIS forces in June 2014, representing a significant setback for US efforts to stabilize Iraq, highlighting the growing strength of ISIS in the region.
During the forthcoming one-year transit of Jupiter in the 12th house, there is a risk of foreign entanglements leading to war, losses from conflict, costly fatal accidents, losses from debts, or health setbacks, including pandemics.
On May 30, 2025, transit Rahu will move into the 8th house, bringing its deceptive influence to obstacles, endings, and easy gains. At the same time, transit Ketu will move into Leo and the 2nd house of wealth and status. From August to October, Ketu will become stationary at 24° Leo and 2nd house MEP, closely aspecting 4th lord Venus in the 6th house MEP. This will occur during the Moon-Jupiter period, with transit Jupiter weak in the 12th house. This configuration is likely to cause setbacks to the country's wealth, housing prices, financial stability and communal harmony.
In late August and early September 2025, transit Jupiter will pass 24° Gemini, where it will aspect 4th lord Venus, while in a mutual aspect with transit stationary FM Rahu in the 8th house MEP. This close aspect in early September may intensify financial problems, particularly for banks regarding their extension of credit to home buyers or low-income individuals struggling with high-interest debt.
As three slow moving planets change signs in 2025, there will likely be a noticeable trend shift in the national affairs from the Spring of 2025. As Saturn moves into Pisces and the 9th house, while under FM influences, it will likely mean that obstacles and endings become more problematic, but focused on the progress of the nation and foreign relations. With Jupiter's move into Gemini and 12th house, the political opposition in the USA, now the Democrats, will likely be searching for their sure footing, while the USA may get involved in a war with military losses or there will be financial setbacks. Finally, as Rahu and Ketu move into the 8th and 2nd houses, the wealth and easy gains are likely to become disturbed, especially in the fall.
The major disturbances in the national life will happen in the Spring, and to a lesser extent in the Autumn. With 8th lord Saturn, the most malefic planet in the Cancer rising horoscope, transiting the 9th house, there are positive sides for the indications of Saturn and the 8th house, but only when it is not afflicted or afflicting in this house. When it is afflicting or being afflicted, there can be problems with obstacles, endings and easy gains. As the 9th house rules foreign relations, primarily diplomacy, and with the 6th lord Jupiter transiting the 12th house, ruling war, where Jupiter is weak and becomes afflicted a number of times, distant foreign actors or conflicts can cause losses. With also Saturn coming under the influence of Jupiter for a better part of the year, with transit Jupiter also affected in Spring, there is the risk of mass casualties, storms and other natural disasters. Finally, there may be economic and financial problems in the autumn.
As the birth was associated with a unique star in the sky, many have focused on the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in June 2 A.D. or later. After all these two are the brightest planets in the night sky. The Star of Bethlehem is said to have been of a special appearance. Importantly, as this conjunction takes place every year, the conjunction is sometimes placed in the sky above the horizon during the night and sometimes in the sky below the horizon during the night. The former shines brightly on the earthly denizens at night but not the latter.
Here a novel planetary configuration of 4 planets is identified that took place 50 days before the traditional Christmas Day, in the year 1 A.D. as offering a credible solution to the mystery.
However, this focus on the night sky appears to be misplaced. In the clearest biblical account of this story, we read in Matthew 2:1-2 the following
"1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
In other words, the Magi had seen a special star as "it rose." A star rises to the East. When the Sun does so in the morning, a new day begins. "His" birth star, emerging over the horizon, would have been consistent with it being seen in the morning. After all, this star was to have special meaning: the Lord had come into the world to save mankind. In astrology and metaphysical studies, the East is the principal direction for new life, as that is where the divine energy attending the first Sun rays of the crimson dawn appear. By contrast, the setting Sun in the West, represents the end of our daily efforts and the night, when the Sun sojourns below the horizon, is symbolic of the afterlife.
Further in Matthew 2 we read:
7 Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. 8 He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”
Here we see that the child was already born, as the "star had appeared." King Herod sent them to Bethlehem, suggesting the location was already known.
Then in Matthew 2:9-12 we read:
The Magi were traveling by day, likely in the morning, from Jerusalem south to Bethlehem, a distance of less than 9 kilometers (6 miles). The travelers likely rose at daybreak to wash, pray and dress, then eat and prepare the animals after Sun-up. As the special star "rose ahead of them," they observed it to their left. The journey could have taken 2-3 hours. As the Sun rose behind the star, by a fixed distance, it would soon disappear as the first rays of daylight appeared. However, as Magi, they calculated its rise to the Medium Coeli point, where it appeared to stop. The MC is important, representing the glory of God's creation."9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route."[1]
In Luke we also read about the birth of Jesus.
"1 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register.
4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them."
There is no indication here if the birth took place during day or night time. However, in the next verse there is a clue.
Here we learn that an angel of the Lord appeared to Shepherds during the night, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, which freaked the Shepherds out. So, the nighttime brought out the terrifying light."8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
More importantly, when the angel spoke, it was of a Savior having been born "today."
Here the reference is to a birth having already taken place, likely during the day. The young mother, Mary, would also have needed to take some rest after the birth before receiving visitors.
"The article examines the term “genesis (γένεσις) of Christ” in the Canon, which Hippolytus places on April 2nd, and concludes that this refers to conception not birth, which matches up well with the date of Jesus’ birth, December 25th, as it is given in Hippolytus’ Commentary on Daniel. The article also observes that, in his Chronicon, Hippolytus believed that Jesus was born 9 months after the anniversary of the creation of the world. According to calculations made in Hippolytus’ Canon and Chronicon, the world was created on the Vernal Equinox, March 25th, which would mean Jesus would have been born 9 months later on December 25th. The article therefore concludes that Hippolytus believed Jesus was conceived on the Passover, possibly also on the Vernal Equinox, that Jesus was born on December 25th, the Winter Solstice, and that Jesus died on the Passover, Friday, March 25th 29 AD, the Vernal Equinox."[3]
The Sun in mid Scorpio rose behind the stellium of 4 planets, with a fixed distance of 16-17 degrees behind - but with the stellium not yet in combustion. As such, the Star of Bethlehem would have been briefly visible just before sunrise.
According to the System's Approach to Interpreting Horoscopes, the stellium is in the transformational 8th house, in the most effective point (MEP), whereby the planets aspect other houses, influencing also their indications. For Pisces, Venus becomes 8th lord of obstacles and endings but also beauty, Mars is 2nd lord of family, wealth and status, but also courage and athleticism, Jupiter is 10th lord of career but also expansiveness and kings, and Mercury is 7th lord of others, as well as communication. The combination of 2nd lord and 10th lord gives a career of the highest order, more so as all 4 planets aspect 2nd house of status. It helps that 5th lord Moon was in 10th house and MEP of the 9th house. With 12th lord Saturn in the 5th house there was loss of physical romance and children. The conjunction of 7th lord with 8th lord in 8th house deprived Jesus of a spouse. Finally, 6th lord Sun in the 9th house, would have given him firm ideas on spirituality.
Overall, this is a chart of someone who transcends the ordinary. As a naturally enlightened being, Jesus Christ found that his life included 'all.' He lived for all and the world became his family.
Most scholars hold that Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday, 3 April 33 A.D. With this ascendant, transit 8th lord Venus was exactly conjunct his Ascending degree on that day. His mortal life ended, but his consciousness expanded. Indeed, Jesus emphasised the transformative idea that this mortal life is subsumed in a larger reality, and he was willing to give his life to show it. The Moon major period had just begun, suggesting his famous sacrifice.As such, his mission was just beginning...
We have now seen a new take on an age old question, arriving at the conclusion that the 'real' birth of Jesus of Nazareth, who would become the central figure in the world's biggest religion, was on 5 November 1AD.
Centuries later, leaders in the Christian church chose 25 December 1AD as the formal birth date, making it coincide with an astronomical meaning. Nevertheless, the finding suggests that the calendar we still observe today is correct in its assignment of 1 AD as coinciding with the birth of Jesus.
[1] Day, Francis R. (..). "Jesus of Nazareth: The Super Virgo. New Light on an old Mystery---- A Vedic Astrological perspective." Not currently published, thanks to Ron Day.
[2] On-line Bible (accessed December 19, 2024).
[3] Letter of Hippolytus
Further reading:
Kidger, Mark (1999). The Star of Bethlehem, An Astronomers View, Princeton University Press, 1999.
DeFouw, Hart, and Robert Svoboda (1996). Light on Life- An Introduction to the Astrology of India, Penguin.
Martin, Ernest L. (1991). The Star That Astonished the World. Academy for Scriptural Research, Oregon.
Mosley, John (1987). "The Christmas Star," Los Angeles: Griffith Observatory.
Charak, K.S. (1995). Yogas in Astrology, Systems Vision, New Delhi, India.
Harness, Dennis M. (1999). The Nakshatras: The Lunar mansions of vedic astrology, Lotus Press, USA.
Braha, James (1986). Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer, Hermetican Press, Florida.
"While the signposts for some positive shift are there. Unlike in the prior Progressive Era (especially 1902-1912), a dynamic national politician has not yet appeared. The present national leadership in the White House or Congress is generally viewed as lackluster. Possibly, new leadership is coming that invigorates the nation. Time will tell."
This prediction owes to the strong major period of the Moon succeeding the other strong major period of the Sun.
To explain this point further, let me add that on December 30, 2019, the following prediction was made for the USA.
"In 2022, the Moon period will run for ten years, heralding continued improvement for the USA, with a focus on the realisation of the ideals of America as a nation. The US economy has been weighed down by heavy debts and desperate government policies to enable the economy to grow out of the debt doldrums while also boosting pay for the low earners. As the new decade opens, the US has taken steps to correct flaws in the economic management, as well as increase the focus on space exploration. In December 2019, the Space Force, as the 6th branch of the US military was created. President Trump has also championed a manned mission to Mars by 2032, when the Mars major period begins. Underlying this focus is the accelerating technological change, in such areas as AI, quantum computers, robotics, batteries and automation. While this is causing a disruption for production, exchange, jobs and living standards, the new capabilities in transportation and communication will create plenty of opportunities for new jobs and life styles. More effort will undoubtedly be put into pollution abatement. The accelerating arms race is leading to stunning new destructive capabilities, making arms control and peaceful relations all the more important."
However, the most informative election predictions rely on the horoscopes of the leading candidates.
Please note that in predicting the 2020 win for Donald Trump in 2020, a Libra rising chart was used for Joe Biden, which proved to be the wrong ascendant for him, skewing the assessment.
A year ago, on December 30, 2023, using the preferable Scorpio rising chart for Joe Biden, I wrote:
"The outcome of the [2024] Presidential election seems uncertain, if only the horoscopes of the leading candidates at this stage are considered. Trump has a far more dynamic chart. Nevertheless, Joe Biden may have an edge over Trump on election day."
Further, after presenting a thorough analysis of their charts I noted:
"That said, again, both these men may not stand for the election. Many hurdles remain to be overcome. In the event of their dropping out, the charts of those that replace them will then have to be examined for their relative strength to win."
On July 21, 2024, Joe Biden, the incumbent president of the United States, announced his withdrawal from the 2024 United States presidential election and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement.
On July 21, 2024, Professor K. Rajesh Chaudhary wrote on the SAMVA discussion list on Io Groups.
"Let’s see who steps in his shoes. This strengthens Mr Trump’s position."
On July 23, 2024, a discussion took place about the respective candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. I wrote:
"A few observations and a prediction.
1. Trump's chart has more pronounced strengths in his chart compared to the overall weakness of Kamala Harris' chart.
Point: Trump
2. Trump is running a strong benefic Jupiter major planetary period, whereas Kamala Harris is running a challenging Rahu period.
Point: Trump
3. Trump's tr 5L Jupiter is in his 10H, whereas Harris' tr Rahu is in 10H.
Point: Both
4. Both are running sub-period of a FB Venus. Trump's 3L Venus is weak and badly placed in 12H, but in conjunction with 7L Saturn. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris' 5L Venus is weak due to the 5H being afflicted, while being well placed but in afflicted 3H, that is owned by 3L Sun that is afflicted in an afflicted house.
Point: Neither
5. At closing of the polls on November 5, 2024, in Trump's chart there are afflictions involving his tr 3L Venus in late 4H, but which will have begun to separate, wheras the affliction to Kamala Harris's tr 5L Venus in late 6H, will still be applying.
Point: Trump.
If the 2024 election is between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Trump is likelier to win, but only by a hair."
On August 31, 2024, I added the following observations about the two candidates:
"With Gemini rising Kamala Harris would have an adaptable and communicative personality. Rahu on the ascendant would make her 'diplomatic'. Mostly good placements are helpful, but aspects of FMs hinder. She seems better suited for diplomatic assignments rather than a major executive role.
With Leo in the ascendant, Donald Trump would have a fixed and ruling personality, however, as Mars is on the ascendant, ruling cardinal sign Aries, he would also be a change agent. Trump has some amazing planets but also badly placed planets and harsh afflictions involving his 1L Sun [in 10H]. He's clearly a historic figure."
On the eve of the election, on November 4, 2024, I added an exploratory analysis of the SAMVA USA chart:
"SAMVA USA chart has Mo/Ra period and the afflictions involving...
Natal 3L Mercury in 7H by tr stat FM Ketu in 3H and Tr 3L Mercury in 5H by tr stat FM Rahu in 9H. Setbacks for communication of government seen.
Natal 10L Mars in 5H by tr stat FM Rahu in 9H. Manipulations in government involving morals and values likely.
Tr stat 8L Saturn in 8H MEP by FM Ketu in 4H MEP. Legitimacy of government / country in sudden setback. Sudden endings possible.
Tr stat 6L Jupiter in 11H opposes natal 8L Saturn in 5H. Violence inducing aspect.
Tr 2L Sun in 4H MEP by separating aspect of FM Ketu in 4H MEP. Authority of leader less.
Natal 5H, 10H and 2H aspected by Tr stat 8L Saturn in 8H MEP. Endings possible for management, government and status. looks like an upset win by the challenger."
On November 8, 2024, in a post-election discussion revolving around the Moon major period, I added.
"There is plenty to look at in the SAMVA USA chart regarding the future.
The mutual aspect of exalted 1L Moon in 11H and in own non-MT sign strong 10L Mars in 5H gives a union of aspirations and ability, involving technical ability and institutional reforms.
Indeed, I really thought Trump would win in 2020 because no one else seemed capable of delivering the pioneering advances expected in this period.
That said, his Supreme Court justices did deliver the abortion reforms in 2021, allowing the states to balance the choice involved in a termination of pregnancy, affecting the mother's control over her own body, the unborn child's right to life and the role of motherhood.
Instead of Trump continuing in 2020, we got Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for 4 years. But they did give the US its aspirational elements - the caring embrace of immigrants and a 'freedom of being' that the LGBTQ community so desires. They also tried a non-aggressive foreign policy approach in dealing with hard headed leaders with violent designs.
Meanwhile, Elon Musk fulfilled the expected tech wizardry with Tesla, SpaceX and AI in ChatGPT, as well as buying Twitter to safeguard social media from the corporations attempt to install Orwellian right-think and suppress Trumpian voices.
And now, Trump is back."
In conclusion, the balance of the predictions has held up well, whether based on the SAMVA USA chart or the horoscopes of the leading candidates. In 2024, Donald Trump won a closely contested election. What is more, even if transit challenges are seen in the Spring of 2025, progress related to the Moon major period will likely continue in the USA for many years to come.
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Front row: Freud, unknown, Jung |
In this article the lives of these outstanding men are explored in terms of their sidereal or Vedic horoscopes, based on the Systems' Approach to Interpreting Horoscopes.
In some sense, their innovations have by now been eclipsed by Western allopathic medicine, which can treat difficult mental illnesses, on the one hand, and on the other by Eastern methodologies for wellness, both physical and psychological, that can bring relief to those suffering from mental troubles or unhappiness.
Let's begin with a review of their lives.
Sigmund Freud
Born into a humble family, Carl G. Jung’s life was a testament to the power of resilience and determination. His journey began with a childhood marked by poverty, but his relentless drive to succeed propelled him forward. At the tender age of 12, he faced a severe psychotic episode triggered by bullying, leading to a six-month hiatus from school. However, overhearing his father’s despair about his future, Jung found the will to recover.
When Jung was 21 and in his second year of university, his father’s death threatened to end his academic pursuits due to financial constraints. The expectation was for him to leave university, find employment, and support his mother and sister. Defying these expectations, Jung secured a loan and completed his studies.
At 28, Jung’s life took a significant turn when he married into Switzerland’s second wealthiest family. This newfound wealth liberated him from the financial shackles of his profession, enabling him to work independently. Jung’s personal life was far from exemplary. Known as a womanizer, he had numerous affairs, including a long-term relationship with a former patient. His wife threatened to leave him multiple times, but each time, Jung’s psychotic episodes kept her from leaving. She would have taken her fortune with her when she left."
"In her will, the heiress bequeathed the bulk of her estate to her children, leaving Jung only the minimum amount demanded by law. After she died, Jung thought himself poor and took unnecessary measures to save money and live frugally (Bair, 2003)."
Jung spent his days healing wounded emotions through "talk therapy." However, he was not noted for clarity of thought. Jung was often criticized for a meandering writing style. He had a gift for expression, but it didn't necessarily guarantee his success. Nonetheless, he left behind a large collection of written words."
Throughout his life, Jung remained devoted to the study of the unconscious, developing his theories through personal consultations and introspection.
"He lived to the hilt; gave himself away, where he sacrificed himself, he also fell from grace. He invented depth psychology, studied the shadow, astrology, and alchemy. He married money, had affairs, a near-death experience, psychotic episodes, and was the first to realize that alcoholism is a disease of spirit.
Despite the financial hardships and personal challenges that Jung faced throughout his life, his theories have had a profound impact on the field of psychology. His exploration into the collective unconscious and the development of the concept of archetypes have provided valuable insights into understanding the human psyche. In one way "he attempted to find balance in the inner reaches of the psyche". As such, his work continues to influence modern psychology and his exploration of his own shadow and his contributions to psychology are his enduring gifts to the world. It has been observed that "When Jung died, his public life came into the spotlight."
Famous falling out
In 1907, a young Carl Jung met Sigmund Freud and was quickly hailed as the successor to Freud’s psychoanalytic throne. Their initial unity, however, began to crumble by 1911 due to Jung’s interest in the Zurich occult and his concept of the collective unconscious, which Freud refused to acknowledge.
The rift deepened with Jung’s rejection of Freud’s theory that neurosis had a sexual basis. As such, Jung's work could be understood to be a refutation of the basis of Freud's psychoanalytic work. Jung’s Psychology of the Unconscious, published in 1912, signaled his departure from Freud’s theories. To differentiate his approach, he named it analytical psychology.
As the Freud-Jung relationship deteriorated, a Secret Committee was formed to protect the psychoanalytic movement’s theoretical and institutional legacy. However, Jung eventually resigned from his editorial and presidential roles and the Zurich Society withdrew from the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). In January 1913 Jung had an official split with Freud, marked by a terse exchange of letters. Jung then found himself excluded from Freud’s inner circle and plunged into another psychotic episode. This period of introspection enriched his understanding of the unconscious for the rest of his life. Despite the professional setback and social marginalization orchestrated by Freud, Jung used this period productively for self-study of the personal unconscious. He emerged with a new understanding of the psyche as a battleground of inner gods.
Significant events in Freud's life
Here are ten significant dates in the life of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis:
Significant events in Jung's life
Here are ten significant dates in the life of Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology:
The astrology of Jung's chart
Carl Jung was born on July 26, 1875 at 7:32 p.m. (LMT – 0:37:20) in Kesswil, Switzerland. This time gives 9° Capricorn rising.
Capricorn is an earthy, negative, introvert and movable sign ruled by Saturn, the significator of dutifulness and responsibility. Mars, the significator of energy and ambition, is exalted in this sign and Jupiter, the significator of fortune and knowledge, is debilitated. These factors render the people born in Capricorn ascendant ambitious and hardworking. Capricorn is the sign of practical realization. At the same time they are conservative but selfish and selective in approach. They are secretive, pensive, proud and fastidious. They are vigilant and tactful. They have compromising nature in order to achieve leadership.
Rahu and Ketu, the Sun and Jupiter are functional malefic planets for Capricorn ascendant, while Saturn, Mars, the Moon, Mercury and Venus are functional benefic planets.
A domineering placement in the chart is Sun in the 7th house MEP, from where it aspects the 1st house of self. As 8th lord of obstacles and endings as well as easy gains, the Sun explains that he attracted a wealthy spouse. However, the same placement also caused troubles in his marriage, given his selfish behaviour.
Carl Jung had 9th lord Mercury in the 6th house of conflict, enmity and illness. This gave a deep interest in higher ideas. Moreover, as Mercury is conjunct Venus as 10th lord of career, this helped to propel him high through his writings.
Jung's relationship with Freud is also seen in this 6th house combination, showing conflict with guru, but also with the aspect of 8th lord Sun to the 9th house. Carl Jung was destined to cause his teacher some amount of consternation, followed by a famous falling out between them, when Freud rejected Jung as his disciple, and open conflict, as Freud openly opposed his teachings.
The placement of Saturn in infancy but its own Moolatrikona sign of Aquarius, gave Carl Jung good status. Venus as 10th lord in the 6th house, albeit conjunct 9th lord Mercury, also gave luck in career, that resulted from conflict. Jung had to struggle for a long time for his ideas to reach the masses, which happened more after his death. The falling out with Freud made Jung famous by association. The bad placement and weakness of 10th lord Venus also explains the poverty of his family when growing up, although its did not prevent him from marrying rich.
The placement of 4th lord Mars in old age in the 11th house of friendship and income, shows that his inner harmony was sensitive and vulnerable to setbacks associated with challenging transits. Indeed, he became seriously despondent at various stages of his life, linked also to alliances and income. Moreover, with Moon ruling mind and as 7th lord ruling spouse and relationships, in the 4th house of inner harmony, Jung fell ill but his great fortune was that his wife took good care of him.
The Sun is also the significator for the soul, whereas Jupiter is the significator for morality and generosity. While these planets are functional malefic planets for people with Capricorn ascendant, they may, if strong and not afflicting or afflicted, ensure a happy and harmonious married life. In Jung's case, Jupiter is well placed but weak in infancy of 10th house, whereas the Sun, strong by degree, was weak on account of its own affliction to the 7th house of spouse.
The Western approach to understanding the mind, as exemplified by Freud and Jung, differs significantly from the Eastern approach. Freud and Jung focused on analyzing the unconscious mind, with Freud emphasizing the influence of repressed emotions, desires, and memories, and Jung introducing the concept of the collective unconscious. At the same time, both were in some way influenced by the 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer who was influenced by Eastern philosophies. For instance, Schopenhauer’s philosophy of the will and his exploration of the nature of desire greatly influenced Jung’s understanding of the unconscious.
In turn, the Eastern approach emphasizes a holistic view of the mind, body, and spirit, and promotes a balanced lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, regular exercise, and mindfulness practices. Indeed, Eastern mystics and their practices, such as yoga, aim to connect the individual with the all-pervading consciousness or life itself. The goal is not to ignore one’s mind and bodily sensations, but rather to achieve a state of balance and harmony beyond mental activity and bodily sensations that leads to a profound sense of peace and happiness.
In fact, for most people the best way to achieve health, happiness and wellbeing is not talk therapy and analysis, as Freud and even Jung advocated, but inner work that quiets the mind and ignores the bodily sensations, in order to experience life at its most pure and vibrant source, deep within ourselves. In a way, the work has thus shifted from the psyche to the soul.
The psyche refers to the mental or psychological part of a human being. It is considered to encompass a wide range of mental processes, including perception, cognition, emotion, and behavior. It is studied by psychologists and neuroscientists, and believed to be the key to understanding human behavior and mental health. The soul, on the other hand, is associated with religious or philosophical beliefs, and is believed to be the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being. It’s often viewed as the essence of a person, responsible for their personality, consciousness, and morality.