The tension will be greatest around late August/early September and during the month of November.
Some of these transits have earlier been described in the December 31, 2007 article the year ahead for the USA and the December 22, 2007 article political tensions ahead.
Dates: present until April 29
Event: transit 10th lord MARS is in Gemini/H12
Meaning: strain for confidence of investors
Dates: from April 29
Event: transit MARS enters Cancer/H1
Meaning: confidence gradually returns to investors
Dates: present until May 15
Event: transit stationary 8th lord SATURN at 7° 42ʼ Leo/H2 aspecting natal 1st lord MOON at 7° 23ʼ Taurus/H11
Meaning: obstacles/endings for self, income and currency.
Dates: May 24- June 18
Event: transit KETU in Cancer/H1 aspects natal 8th lord SATURN in Scorpio/H5
Meaning: sudden problems for easy gains/inheritance or beliefs of the people
Dates: May 24- June 18
Event: transit RAHU in Capricorn/H7 under the aspect of natal 8th lord SATURN in Scorpio/H5
Meaning: obstacles/endings for salespeople, diplomats and manipulators
Dates: June 26-28
Event: 4th lord VENUS in Gemini/H12 under aspect from KETU in 4th house MEP
Meaning: sudden short lived problem concerning housing market or women
Dates: June 29-July 14
Event: transit 6th lord JUPITER in Sagittarius/H6 conjunct natal 4th lord VENUS in Sagit/H6
Meaning: concerns over mortgage debts or financial instability disrupt financial markets, conflict disturbs communal harmony, stressful time for women
Dates: July 30-August 22
Event: transit 6th lord JUPITER in Sagittarius conjunct most effective point (MEP) of 6th house
Meaning: conflict may lead to losses abroad or setbacks for wealth

Event: transit stationary RAHU is conjunct natal 2nd lord SUN in Capricorn/H7
Meaning: crisis involving misuse of funds in foreign policy or for friendly regimes, difficult time for US President
Dates: July 30-September 28
Event: transit stationary KETU is opposition aspect to natal 2nd lord SUN in Capricorn/H7
Meaning: sudden or violent event possible
Dates: August 26-September 10
Event: transit 8th lord SATURN in Leo/H2 under close aspect from natal RAHU in Aries/H10
Meaning: crisis involving misuse of easy gains, beliefs or wealth
Dates: August 27-September 20
Event: transit 6th lord JUPITER stationary in Sagittarius/H6 under aspect from natal RAHU in Aries/H10
Meaning: crisis involving financial stability or political opposition
Dates: August 28-September 18
Event: transit 6th lord JUPITER in Sagittarius/H6 in aspect to transit 8th lord SATURN in Leo/H2
Meaning: violence, possibly involving easy gains or beliefs of the people
Dates: September 2-5
Event: transit 2nd lord Sun conjunct transit 8th lord Saturn in Leo/H2
Meaning: obstacles/endings involving wealth or leader of the country
Dates: September 2-5
Event: transit 2nd lord Sun under aspect from natal Rahu in Aries/H10
Meaning: crisis involving manipulation in area of wealth, status and leader of the country
Dates: September 2-5
Event: transit 2nd lord Sun under aspect from transit 6th lord Jupiter in Sagittarius/H6
Meaning: conflict concerning wealth, status or leader of the country
Dates: September 25-October 19
Event: transit 6th lord JUPITER in Sagittarius conjunct MEP of 6th house
Meaning: conflict may lead to losses abroad or setbacks for wealth
Dates: October 29-November 13
Event: transit RAHU conjunct the MEP of 7th house and transit KETU conjunct MEP of 1st house
Meaning: problems for self and foreign policy
Dates: November 1-13
Event: transit 6th lord JUPITER in Sagittarius/H6 conjunct natal 4th lord VENUS in Sagit/H6
Meaning: concerns over mortgage debts or financial instability disrupt financial markets, conflict disturbs communal harmony, stressful time for women
Dates: November 14-29
Event: transit 6th lord JUPITER in Sagittarius/H6 in aspect to transit 8th lord Saturn in Leo/H2
Meaning: violence, possibly involving easy gains or beliefs of people. Disturbance to financial markets.
Dates: November 14, 2008-February 19, 2009
Event: transit stationary 8th lord SATURN in Leo/H2 under aspect from natal SATURN in Scorpio/H5
Meaning: obstacles/ending or violence involving easy gains or beliefs of the people. Setback to the wealth.
Dates: December 11-13
Event: transit 2nd lord SUN conjunct natal 8th lord SATURN
Meaning: obstacles/endings, possibly involving the wealth or leader of the country
Dates: December 13-15
Event: transit 10th lord MARS conjunct natal 8th lord SATURN
Meaning: obstacles/endings, possibly involving the military or government of the country
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