In a karmic sense, these planets serve a spiritual purpose. By propelling some towards selfishness and materiality that usually ends in crisis, Rahu brings people around to a deeper meaning in life. By suddenly removing cherished things, Ketu brings isolation or separation, that is usually followed by a profound spiritual understanding. These karmic energies also are felt at the mundane level, in the national affairs. As per the SAMVA USA chart, Rahu can be a source of manipulation in government while Ketu can trigger bouts of social disharmony, due to some ethnic, racial or economic group feeling or being excluded.
Major oil spill

"Some violent events - natural or man made - are thus likely to take place during the summer."
Immigration problemsAt the same time, transit Ketu is at 20° Gemini in the most effective point of the 12th house, where it is exactly aspecting the 4th house of social harmony, and closely aspecting natal Ketu in the MEP of the 4th house. This is leading to ethnic or racial discrimination issues coming back to the fore of the national discourse.[3] In response to the State of Arizona tightening rules concerning illegal immigrants, the Hispanic community is now planning a major protest at the May day celebrations this coming weekend. These developments are in line with another prediction made for this time:
"A contentious racial or ethnic issue could also explode on the scene."
Summer of 2010
Looking ahead, the nodes will shortly become stationary around 18° Sagittarius and Gemini. From there, they are still within the MEPs of the 6th and 12th houses and exactly aspect their natal counterparts in the 10th and 4th houses. Such or more challenging situations are expected to bring increased strain on the collective harmony. More so, as discussed before, these contacts in the SAMVA USA chart are accompanied by a stressful Jupiter-Saturn opposition. All these transits combined are expected to produce difficulty in the national life this summer.
[1] Potential for big spill after oil rig sinks - 5:58 p.m. ET April 22, 2010
[2] State of emergency declared as oil spill nears Louisiana - April 29, 2010 -- Updated 1813 GMT (0213 HKT)
[3] Arizona immigrant law energizes Hispanics, Democrats – Reuters, Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:08pm EDT
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