The Behistun rock inscription is evidence of early Israel. |
Historical background
The push for the creation of the modern state of Israel began a long time before the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, the end of the British Mandate or the formal declaration of statehood by the leaders of the Jewish homeland at midnight on May 14, 1948. The Jews established the original state of Israel in Canaan around 1.200 B.C.E.. The decline of Israel began when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in 70. A.D.. After the Bar Kochba revolt of 136 A.D., the Jews were exiled from Judea. It was in the 8th century A.D. in Assyria that the population began to scatter around the world, as the twelve tribes of Israel. As the Jews settled elsewhere, they retained their cultural heritage, identity and memory, including the dream of a Jewish homeland, the "Promised Land" or "Holy Land".
After centuries of dispersion, wandering and persecution, the idea of moving back to Palestine was again raised at the close of the 19th century. The First Zionist Congress sent a fact finding mission to Palestine in 1897. It reported back that “the bride is beautiful, but unfortunately she is
married to another.“ Efforts by Jews to settle in Palestine led to the
foundation of the Palestine Office in 1908. Its role was to import and
assimilate Jews in Palestine. David Ben-Gurion became its leader in the 1920s.
The organisation got the name the Jewish Agency for Palestine under the League
of Nations Mandate in 1929. Its role increasingly turned to the effort of creating
a Jewish state in Palestine. Zionism was the guiding vision of the Jews, to
create a Jewish state in Palestine. The efforts accelerated in the 1930s, to
create a new life in this ancient land and to reclaim the ancestral heritage of
the ancient state of Israel. This was not an easy task as the indigenous Arabs were vehemently opposed to their efforts.
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Jewish traders in Egypt (19th cent. B.C.E.) |
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Return of the Jews to their "Promised Land" |
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Immigrants arrive in Haifa, early 1948 |
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The U.N. votes on the Partition Plan, 1947. |
"In favour: Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Liberia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of South Africa, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela. Against: Afghanistan, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Yemen. Abstained: Argentina, Chile, China, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Honduras, Mexico, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia."[1,2]
This time is corroborated by reports of the reaction in Israel. It was after midnight that news arrived by telegram in Tel Aviv. Even if very late, the Israelis stayed up for the news, then upon hearing it, they rushed into the streets in a joyful state, with the celebration lasting until the morning hours. The Jews, which were half the population of Palestine got half the land.
While the Arab territory was populated mostly with Arabs, the Jewish territory
had only a slight majority of Jews, with many Arabs as well. The Arabs rejected
this diplomatic solution straight away, and did not consider the UN decision acceptable. For the Israels, the UN decision allowed the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. It was a long awaited dream come true, a signal event in their long search to reclaim a place in their ancient homeland. Meanwhile, their
leaders knew that they would have to fight for their new state. Importantly, the Partition Plan also stipulated that the British Mandate for Palestine should end no later than 1 August 1948.
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Soldiers raise "ink" flag at war's end |
Britain had abstained from the vote and opposed the partition plan, as it had favoured a two state solution. In early 1948, the British government declared that the British Mandate would end on midnight 15th of May. The leaders of the Jewish homeland decided in a day long meeting that ended shortly after midnight on 13th of May, that they would proclaim a Jewish state on 14th of May, to coincide with the termination of the British mandate over Palestine at midnight on that day. During this meeting, the choice to not do so was tabled and discussed but quickly pushed aside in favour of making a ceremonial proclamation. In the event, the meeting to make the announcement began at 4:00 p.m. on 14th of May in Tel Aviv. The proforma declaration of the establishment the State of Israel (Eretz-Israel) by Ben Gurion, the leader of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the World Zionist Organisation, and soon to become the first Prime Minister of Israel, was completed at 4:37 p.m. The meeting then adjourned in observance of the Sabbath. The British commander of Palestine sailed from Haifa at 11:30 p.m. signalling the end of the British mandate. Shortly after midnight (E02) on 15th of May, President Harry Truman sent a wire to Tel Aviv congratulating Ben Gurion on the proclamation. Several hours later, Iraq and the neighboring Arab states, Egypt, Jordan and Syria, invaded and attacked Jewish settlements. Israel had prepared well and was able to stop the advance. The war was waged in three phases interrupted only by short periods of truce, or until 10th of March 1949, with Israel signing armistice agreements with the belligerents. Israel suffered over 6,000 casualties and the Arabs between 7,000-20,000, including thousands of civilians on both sides. Israel had survived its first existential challenge.
The new horoscope for Israel
Earlier charts studied and tested, based on Jerusalem**, Israel (Time Zone: E02).
- 04.00 p.m., 14th of May 1948 giving 29° 54' Virgo rising,
- 04.37 p.m .,14th of May 1948 giving 7° 44' Libra rising, and
- 00.00 a.m., 15th of May 1948 giving 20° 56' Capricorn rising.
As none of these charts was found to either fit the natal potential, significant events in terms of periods and transits or yield repeat accurate predictions, we now consider the following data:
- 00:18 a.m., 30th of November 1947, Jerusalem, Israel, giving 25° 55' Leo rising.
The 26° Leo rising horoscope at the time of the closure of the UN vote has the requisite natal strength but also reflects the evident challenges facing the state of Israel in the seventy years of its recorded history. Importantly, the chart is relocated to Israel for the moment the UN plan was adopted (30 November 1947, 00:18 a.m., Jerusalem, Israel). Based on long research and testing of horoscopes for Israel, it is the contention of this writer that Israel took its birth with the adoption of the UN of the Partition Plan for Israel. The decision by the international community effectively gave birth to the new state, even if the apparatus and circumstances for operating it were not yet in place. While its name was declared as Israel, the name surprised few. Planning by the Israeli's had been ongoing for this eventuality and its repercussions for a very long time. The early termination of the Mandate by Britain partly reflects this reality.
The major feature of the 26° Leo rising horoscope is the placement of the Sun, as 1st lord of self, in the 4th house of communal harmony, land and natural resources. It suggests that the nation identifies strongly with its land. For Leo's, the Sun becomes a significator of vitality, intelligence, status, royalty and magnificence. The Sun is strong and well placed at 14° Scorpio and 4th house, giving the Israeli people noble hearts, character, good discrimination, plenty of will power and a well functioning state. As a Leo with a strong Sun, the Israeli government and people are likely to be aware of their power, dominant, decisive and relish any positive attention they get. Sun is conjunct and combust 5th lord Jupiter in this house. This yoga (aspect) confers great intelligence, good discrimination, creativity, fortune, expansiveness and a pronounced religious sense to the nation. This strong and benevolent aspect strengthens and protects the office of the leader of the country. Functional malefic (FM) moon's north node, Rahu, at 0° Taurus and 10th house, gives material benefits involving international life, but as Rahu is also in the most effective point (MEP) of the 9th house, with an orb of 4° 37', it gives the potential for crisis involving the indications of the 9th house, including luck and the judiciary. From this place Rahu aspects the 1st house, adding an element of manipulation and diplomacy to the self image, and the 5th house of creativity and management. FM moon's south node, Ketu, is at 0° Scorpio and the 4th house but is also conjunct the MEP of the 3rd house. This placement reduces the strength of the 3rd house, as well as the 7th house of foreign policy and 11th house of income, goals and friends. Sudden setbacks are possible in these areas of life. Importantly, the nodes dually afflict the 9th and 3rd houses, straining further such indications as fortune, judiciary, transportation and communication. Mars as 9th lord of luck and foreign matters, is strong and well placed in the 1st house, giving an energetic quality to the self identity. The military and police are strong. Mercury as 2nd lord, a sun like planet, is well placed at 26° Libra and 3rd house, a sun like house. Israeli men take pride in their masculine traits. This placement also gives status from words and actions. However, the conjunction of Ketu adds an energy of isolation and separation to this area of national life. Venus, as 3rd lord, is well placed in the 5th house, suggesting intelligent communication, a good art scene and creative women. With Moon, as a FM planet due to its lordship of the 12th house of losses in the 11th house in opposition aspect to Venus in the 5th house, there is also scope for the actions and proclamations of Israel to result in losses and even conflict, as well as in isolation and sudden explosive events due to the conjunction of Ketu with the MEP of the 3rd house. The aspects of Rahu to the 5th house and Ketu to the 11th house are likely to amplify such problems. Moreover, Saturn, as 7th lord of foreign policy and leisure activities, is badly placed and weak at 30° Cancer and MEP of the 12th house, suggesting losses to foreign policy. The chart thus paints a picuture of an entity that is inherently strong, but tends to do things assertively that provoke opposition and create problems in relation to other countries
At the birth of the state of Israel, the period of Mars-Sun period was operating. Both planets are in full strength, hence the UN decision represented a tremendous victory for the people of Israel associated with their deep desire to have their own homeland in the part of the world where they originated and their history was made. As 9th lord Mars is in the 1st house of self, and 1st lord Sun is in the 4th house, where it is conjunct 5th lord Jupiter, there is a great fortune seen in terms of connecting the self of the national identity with the land, and much resilience of the people tied to both Sun and Jupiter being religious planets. At the same time, there have been great challenges for Israel to develop, given the hostility of their neighbours, linked to 2nd lord Mercury being in 3rd house Libra, which is afflicted by the nodal axis and with 3rd lord Venus in the 5th house being afflicted by 12th lord Moon.
Major periods
The sequence of major periods from the outset suggest the trend emphasis in the history. In the Rahu major period, Israel was embroiled in problems involving its outlook on life, so different from its neighbors. However, in the following strong and well placed and aspected Jupiter major period, Israel won the six day war of June 1966 as well as the Yom Kippur War of October 1973, seing an expansion of its territory. The Saturn period, however, was attended by difficulty. The Mercury period has also saw its share of challenges. Now the Ketu major period has started and it suggests concern by the Israelis linked to their land and actions, and relations with neighbors. The Venus major period could also be contentious, but divine grace is seen associated with its auspicious dispositor Jupiter. The Sun major period would also be very good, given reasonable transits.
- Rahu period began on November 2, 1948
- Jupiter period began on November 2, 1966
- Saturn period began on November 2, 1982
- Mercury period began on November 2, 2001
- Ketu period began on November 2, 2018
- Venus period begins on November 2, 2025
- Sun period begins on November 2, 2045
- Moon period begins on November 2, 2051
- Mars period begins on November 2, 2062
Israel has been running the Ketu major period since November 2, 2018, suggesting that the country is experiencing increasing isolation at this time, even if it has the staunch support of the US Trump administration. Perhaps the sense of isolation is due to the strong support of the USA, which itself is in a disagreement with regional powerhouse Iran over its nuclear weapons development and export of terrorism in the region. The Ketu - Venus period has been operating since April 1, 2019. At 9:45 p.m. on May 4, 2019, Hamas on Gaza launched a major attack on Israel, with over 600 missiles launched, killing 4 Israelis and causing property damage and grave concerns. Israel Defense Forces launched retaliatory strikes, including at the Hamas leadership, killing 23 people. The transits seem compelling for the crisis, with sub-period lord 3rd lord Venus in the 8th house of obstacles. The fact that it is natally in the 5th house under aspect from 12th lord Moon in the 11th house, suggest losses during the operation of its period. Morevoer, transit Rahu in the 11th house MEP is in aspect to natal 2nd lord Mercury in the 3rd house MEP, brining out the manipulations involving close neighbors. Indeed, Hamas launched a sudden attack on Israel. Finally, transit 7th lord Saturn is closely conjunct transit Ketu, suggesting sudden, even explosive upsets for foreign relations.
An analysis of other significant historical events will be covered at a later date.
[1] U.N. (1947). Proceeds of the General Assembly meeting on November 29, New York.
[2] Three minutes, a documentary of the U.N. vote.
*) In memory of Jo Cohen
The rectification of this chart by Cosmologer is performed in honour of the contribution of French Systems' Approach astrologer Jo Cohen (1948-2018) who believed that an earlier 21° Capricorn rising horoscope discussed here was not suitable as it indicated greater challenges but less innate strength of the collective entity under study. In the event, the 21° Capricorn rising horoscope failed in prediction linked to the onset of its Rahu major period in mid 2016 during a transit-to-natal conjunction of the nodes, expected to bring tremendous suffering. The work of mundane astrologers is predicated on the use of the scientific method to the extent possible, e.g. by emphasizing accurate predictions as a basis of chart verification.
**) Jerusalem is the historic capital of Israel and following its recreation, it was again declared as the national capital on 13 December 1949. On December 6, 2017, US President Donald Trump affirmed the United States recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and on 14 May 2018, the U.S. Embassy in Israel was moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, on the 70 anniversary of Israel's establishment.
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