Thursday, May 13, 2021

Crisis starts

On 3 February 1962, the President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy, issued a Proclamation (3447) EMBARGO ON ALL TRADE WITH CUBA 

Specifically, Kennedy objected to the "subversive offensive of Sino-Soviet Communism with which the Government of Cuba is publicly aligned." 

In the event, on this amazing day, we can see the first shot across the bow in what would become the peak episode of the Cold War, where mutual assured destruction, by the exchange of nuclear weapons, was being threatened by both the USA and the Soviet Union (USSR). Cuba, then a Soviet satellite state, only 70 miles from the coast of the USA, was becoming the focal point of great political tension and danger. 

On 3-5 February 1962 there were no less than EIGHT planets in the 7th house ruling FOREIGN POLICY, including 3 functional malefic planets (FMs), during a weak sub-period of Sa/Ve period. Moreover, as described in this December 2016 article Saturn and the fear of death in 1953, the major period of Saturn was all about death-like experiences. Note how the malefics are harming the natal Sun, representing the leader, and other transit planets as well.

Nevertheless, at that time, little did the American's know how subversive the communist plot really was. They were planning to install nuclear tipped missiles on the US border. The rest is history, also described in this article from January 2008: SAMVA USA chart: Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 

We can compare this to the onset of the Covid crisis in the USA and the Impeachment of Donald Trump, setting in motion a devastatingly divisive campaign for President in the context of a major traumatic national experience with a pandemic. While the virus is considered to have developed in China between September and November 2019, its spread to the USA came later. Some scientists suggest it happened in mid December 2019, while others pinpoint Christmas time. Interestingly, on December 25, 2019, a very rare stellium of six planets took place in Sagittarius and the 6th house, supporting such a finding! As 3 FMs were in this house from November 6, 2019, the risk of a deadly pandemic spreading to the USA developed earlier, but the risk is seen to be greater when the stellium was largest.

Indeed, SIX planets were in the 6th house ruling ILLNESS and CONFLICT, including 3 FMs, during the strong Sun major period and strong Saturn sub-period. However, the periods involving Saturn as 8th lord tend to bring death-like fears. At that time, transit Saturn as 8th lord was conjunct the natal 4th lord Venus, ruling communal harmony.  

Remarkably, at that time tensions with Iran also grew, due to its proxy strike on Kirkuk on December 27, 2019, leading to the decision by the USA to take out Iranian General Soleimani on January 3, 2020. The attack infuriated Iran which launched a counter-strike on a US military base outside of Baghdad. Meanwhile, the Covid virus continued spreading on US soil, as news continued to come from the Wuhan district of China, suggesting human-to-human transmission. 

So, plenty of death-like fears were being aroused in the collective psyche of Americans from late December 2019.

In December 2012, the article The Summer of 2019 considered what to expect seven years later. Sadly, the stellium in late 2019 was overlooked. 

Moving one year forward, the second Impeachment of Donald Trump was voted in the House on January 13, 2021, a week after the invasion of the Capitol building. The Trial was conducted from 9 to 13 February, with the same result as the first, former President Trump was acquitted.

In January and February 2021, 2 FMs were in Capricorn and the 7th house, passing over natal 3L Mercury there. The legitimacy of the election was in question, resulting in the invasion of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Freedom of expression was also questioned as the social media monopolies ejected conservative voices from their platforms, including former President Trump. For most of this time, there were four planets in total in the 7th house, except during the trial when there were 5 planets there. When the vote was cast, they had been reduced to 4 planets, and by April 2021, only transit 8th lord Saturn was left in that house. Hence, the tension wound down as predicted. 

Importantly, after President Biden was sworn in on January 21, 2021, he immediately reversed course in a number of foreign policy areas, involving Israel, China, Iran, the border with Mexico, NATO and the Paris Climate Accord, to name a few. His policies have touched off a crisis in Israel and on the Mexican border, the latter of which was predicted.

In summary, the stellium of many planets in a house has been associated with tremendous events in the national life indicated by the houses involved. These findings offer further support for this amazing national horoscope.

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