The crisis, which unfolded in October 1962, was a military confrontation between the United States of America on the one hand and the Soviet Union and Cuba on the other.

In 1961, the U.S. deployed 15 Jupiter IRBMs (intermediate-range ballistic missiles) at İzmir, Turkey, aimed at the western USSR's cities, including Moscow. Given its 1,500-mile (2,410 km) range, Moscow was only 16 minutes away. Yet, Kennedy gave them low strategic value, given that a SSBN submarine provided the same magnitude of threat, and from a distance. Khrushchev publicly expressed anger and personal offense from the Turkish missile emplacement. The Cuban missile deployment — the first time Soviet missiles were outside the USSR — was his response to U.S. nuclear missiles in Turkey.
Astrological dynamics

What produced the crisis is the fact that this conjunction took place exactly on top of the natal placement of Mercury in the SAMVA USA chart. This turned Mercury into a lightning rod for the release of this karmic energy. As 3rd lord, Mercury also is the indicator of transportation, communication and initiative, all areas that find ample scope for expression in the foreign policy arena. These indications came under phenomenal stress due to the combined energy of sudden violence and obstacles threatening death. How fittingly, that the US suddenly discovered the transport of missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to major population centers to its doorstep.

Finally, the sub-period lord, Venus as 4th lord of collective harmony and stability was conjunct Jupiter, the natal 6th lord of conflict. In short, the psyche of the American people was severely disturbed by this two week drama or high-stakes conflict.
Interestingly, as the other shadow planet Rahu, which rules diplomacy, was at 12° Cancer, it was also afflicted and afflicting the transit aspect with Saturn as well as the natal Mercury. During the crisis, the US administration was heavily engaged in intense behind the scences diplomatic negotiations with the Russians. Little noticed was the covert dismantling and removal of the Jupiter missiles in Turkey some half a year after the Cuban Missile Crisis had been successfully defused.
Interestingly, as the other shadow planet Rahu, which rules diplomacy, was at 12° Cancer, it was also afflicted and afflicting the transit aspect with Saturn as well as the natal Mercury. During the crisis, the US administration was heavily engaged in intense behind the scences diplomatic negotiations with the Russians. Little noticed was the covert dismantling and removal of the Jupiter missiles in Turkey some half a year after the Cuban Missile Crisis had been successfully defused.
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