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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Predictions for the USA in 2009
The year 2009 will be marked by efforts to resolve major problems facing the USA, both in foreign relations and the economy. The trend is clearly towards populist reforms in the wake of the collapse and public rescue of the financial sector. While the financial crisis is due to excessive risk taking, the popular resentment is focused on the stunning excesses in the renumeration of the CEOs responsible for the crisis.
The trends and developments in the USA will influence developments in other parts of the world. While continued setbacks are seen for the US in early 2009, things are expected to turn more positive as the year closes. A discussion of the predictions and their historical and astrological underpinnings follows. In particular, there is predicted to be a strong similarity with the trends of the previous Venus-Saturn period 120 years ago.
Saturn afflicted as year opens The year opens with transit 8th lord SATURN at 27° Leo in the 2nd house under close afflicting aspect from natal SATURN at 27° Scorpio and 5th house. This aspect, which began in December 2008, signals setbacks for the indications of Saturn. Indeed, economic conditions are expected to remain cool in 2009 with working people faced with rising unemployment and stagnant incomes. Things mined from the ground, such as oil, have been affected by afflictions of Saturn since 2008, with slowing global demand putting a downward pressure on the price of oil. This trend is expected to continue into February. As explained in the article Riddle of the oil price resolved, the oil price has historically tended to peak during the transit of Saturn in Leo. The successive intense afflictions of Saturn during 2008 saw it sharply reduced. As Saturn remains in Leo until September 2009, the oil price could recover when the present affliction lifts.
Solar eclipse in late January A solar eclipse will take place on January 26, which will be followed by the transit Sun becoming conjunct the transit stationary nodes on January 29. The effect of this conjunction has been described in the article The truth about Eclipses.
In the 20° Cancer rising chart for the USA, the stationary RAHU at 15° Capricorn will become conjunct the transit 2nd lord SUN on January 29, 2009, three days after a solar eclipse. The conjunction will bring difficulty to the President and highly placed persons, notably in the field of foreign relations.
[In late January], 6th lord JUPITER will be at 12° Capricorn conjunct the natal 3rd lord MERCURY at 12° Capricorn in the 7th house, suggesting conflict associated with US business intitatives abroad.
In short, this aspect notably influences those persons and countries with 15° rising in the chart or planets placed at this degree in the even numbered signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. One country likely to be affected is US ally Israel .
Setbacks to financial stability In early February, a transit debilitated Jupiter will become conjunct transit stationary Rahu in Capricorn and the 7th house. At that time, sub-period of Jupiter will still be in operation. As Jupiter is 6th lord, it rules e.g. the financial stability in the country, while Rahu rules manipulation. The combination of two malefics is seldom good news, especially when one is weak in transit and the other one stationary. As a result, there may be setbacks related to these indications, with discoveries of illegal or unethical activities possible at that time. As the conjunction takes place in the 7th house, the events may have to do with international investors or foreign developments.
Saturn sub-period begins On February 17, 2009 the Saturn sub-period begins and the indications of Saturn and the influences it has in the chart will become the basis of trends over the next few years.
In the 20° Cancer rising SAMVA USA chart, Saturn functions as the 8th lord. Due to its placement in old age in the sign of Scorpio it is of minimum strength. As 8th lord it contributes some disturbing influences of obstacles, endings and base desires to 5th house indications of creativity, intelligence, romance, entertainment and management in society. The aspect of Saturn to Sun contributes to other indications showing setbacks in the matter of wealth of the nation and the number of assassination made on the life of the heads of state.
During this period, the focus will shift gradually from the financial stability concerns of recent years during the Jupiter sub-period to issues indicated by Saturn. As 8th lord, there will be increased awareness of obstacles and endings in the national life during the Saturn period, but also on easy gains for the common people, such as through changes in the tax code or other reforms. As Saturn is a general indicator of the economy, working people and things mined from the ground the reforms and issues will be focused on these areas of the national life. The economy may become sluggish at this time. Moreover, as Saturn is natally placed in the 5th house, problems will tend to be found in the domain of national life ruled by this house. In other words, the focus will be on problems in the management of the economy or of ordinary or disenfranchised people. Obstacles will also be felt in the area of speculation on financial and other markets and in the life of institutions of higher learning or the software and entertainment industries. As Saturn afflicts the 2nd lord Sun in the chart, the period will be characterised by obstacles and challenges facing the wealth and status of the country as well as the US President.
Rhymes of history Mark Twain once said "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme." Given astrological cycles or the recurrence of planetary periods, history can indeed serve as a guide to what to expect, such as in the Venus-Saturn period. This very same major- and sub-period ran for the first time in the SAMVA USA chart 120 years ago, from February 17, 1889 to April 19, 1892. As Saturn represents the common people, there were several themes prominent during the Saturn period involving the democratic rights of people, both in social and economic legislation. The national economy, however, had become sluggish as it struggled against the deflationary impact of the gold standard.
The role of transits The transits during this period, however, were different, with transit Jupiter in 2009 about 15 months earlier in the cycle compared to the placement of transit Jupiter in 1889. Likewise, sub-period lord Saturn is about 32 months ahead (2 .5 years) of its transit placement in 1889. Meanwhile, the nodes are several years, or about 122 months, behind their placement 120 years earlier. As the sub-period indicates the trend of things while transits are helpful to time significant events, this may explain why unemployment is beginning to rise already in 2009 following continous afflictions to transit Saturn since 2008. By comparison, unemployment began to rise only in 1893 after the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad company went bankrupt on February 23 of that year, followed by bankruptcies of other railroad companies and a general panic on the stock market. The crisis broke as transit 8th lord Saturn stationary afflicted the 3rd house of transportation, 5th house of speculation, 9th house of luck and 12th house of losses. A month earlier, transit 6th lord Jupiter had stationary afflicted natal 8th lord Saturn. A few months before that, transit Rahu and Ketu were stationary conjunct their natal placements, reminiscent of a similar but closer contact in in the Autumn of 1929 when also the more malefic Ketu sub-period was operating from October 1929, making a significant difference for the overall trends at that time.
Trends and events during the 1890s In 1889, the Oklahoma Land Rush took place on April 22, giving settlers a chance to obtain land for free. This is an expression of the easy gains associated with Saturn as 8th lord that also benefits common people.
That same year, the Native American Ghost Dance Movement began as an attempt of a group of North American Indian tribes to further separate themselves from the white man and the religious doctrines they were forcing upon the tribal peoples. This movement was brought to an end by the Seventh Cavalry of the US Army in December 1890 in the Wounded Knee Massacre. The famous chief Sitting Bull was one of the many Indians killed.
In 1890, the segregationist Jim Crow Laws became the law of the land and resistance to these laws by Black Americans and their supporters was highlighted in the Case of the Louisiana Traveler, but to now avail at the time. On August 12, the Mississippi Constitutional Convention began systematic exclusion of Blacks from the politics of South with the socalled Mississippi Plan. In 1891, the largest Mass-Lynching in U.S. History took place in New Orleans, involving the lynching of 11 Italians. This violent act provoked an international crisis as Italy formally protested and demanded restitution to the families of the victims.
In the Saturn period, there was a major reaction to the “Gilded Age” (1877-1890) , which refers to extravagant displays of wealth and excess of America's upper-class during the post-Civil War and post-Reconstruction era.
The Populist Party (originally the People's Party) was established in 1891 when the Knights of Labor and Farmers' Alliance joined forces. The party advocated the public ownership of the railroads, steamship lines and telephone and telegraph systems. It also supported the free and unlimited coinage of silver, the abolition of national banks, a system of graduated income tax and the direct election of United States Senators.
The Presidency of Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) is best known for its economic legislation, including the the Sherman Antitrust Act and the McKinley Tariff , and for annual federal spending that reached one billion dollars for the first time. Democrats attacked the "Billion Dollar Congress", and used the issue, along with the growing unpopularity of the high tariff, to defeat the Republicans, both in the 1890 mid-term elections and in Harrison's bid for reelection in 1892. In 1890, the McKinley Tariff was introduced, setting the average ad valorem tariff rate for imports to the United States at 48.4% in order to protect manufacturing. In return for its passage, the Sherman Silver Purchase Act was given Republican support. The tariff raised import costs and prices in the United States, which is considered to have contributed to the Panic of 1893.
On July 2, 1890, the famous Sherman Antitrust Act was passed, becoming the first United States Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies. The law was based on a public anger over the abusive business practices of the Robber Barons during the Gilded Age. The term is a reference to businessmen and bankers who dominated their respective industries and amassed huge personal fortunes, typically as a direct result of pursuing various anti-competitive or unfair business practices.
Paralells to our own time It is now easier to see some historical paralells to our own time. President Obama was elected on a surge of populist resentments, including against business excesses. The focus of his administration is likely to be on reigning in and in preventing such excesses from taking place again as well as "spreading the wealth around." At the same time, it is likely that populist economic reforms will be associated with sluggishness in the business sector and that this may result in his administration not being reelected for a second term.
Transits from March 2009 Fortunately, the affliction by natal Saturn of transit Saturn at the beginning of the year will have begun to separate when its period begins in mid February. However, another important affliction will be felt by Saturn at 21° Leo during the middle of the year as discussed below.
In late March, transit 6th lord Jupiter will become conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun, suggesting conflict abroad becomes a temporary strain for the US President.
In April, when the nodes will be moving in retrograde motion at normal speed, transit Rahu will become conjunct natal 3rd lord Mercury. This could create some minor problems for the indications of Mercury, such as buisness initiatives, communication or transportation.
In the second half of April, transit 8th lord Saturn will slow down and settle into stationary motion conjunct the most effective point of the 2nd house in the SAMVA USA chart. This combination is expected to create problems for the stock market and relations with neighboring countries. During this time, there could be strain for the US President while transit 6th lord Jupiter is conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun.
From May to July, 6th lord Jupiter will be in the sign Aquarius and the 8th house. This suggests that the indications of this planet will continue weak and beset by problems. During the same time, the sub-period lord Saturn, as 8th lord of obstacles and endings, will transit afflict the 2nd house of wealth, 4th house of fixed assets and 11th house of income, suggesting problems for these areas of national life. The summer months will likely be the low point of the economy during the year. In June, transit Rahu in Capricorn and 7th house will afflict the 1st lord Moon in Taurus and 11th house. This suggests that problems involving manipulation or deception in the business life or foreign policy will place a strain on the otherwise healthy self image of Americans. The problems will be felt while Rahu goes stationary at around 6° Capricorn during the summer months.
During the summer months transit stationary Ketu at 6° Cancer and first house will cast an aspect on natal 6th lord Jupiter at 4° 25' Scorpio and 5th house. This suggests that sudden revelations or problems concerning financial stability will aggravate the problems. There could also be sudden problems with terrorism. After Saturn begins to move out of the most effective point of the 2nd house in July, a more favourable feeling will emerge concerning the economy. However, it is only in August when the nodal station begins to lift that the strains for the US and global financial system will seem to give way to more a positive outlook for the economy. On September 10, Saturn will move into the sign of Virgo and the 3rd house of the SAMVA USA chart where it will remain for over two years. This transit is expected to be associated with improved employment conditions in the economy, but notably in sectors associated with the sign Virgo and its ruler Mercury, notably in high tech production and analytical activities.
From September to November, transit Jupiter, as 6th lord of conflict, will be stationary at 23° Capricorn and the 7th house. In this degree, Jupiter is conjunct natal 2nd lord Sun of SAMVA USA chart. This placement will place a grave strain on the US President, and the wealth and status of the country. Concerns over terrorism or financial stability may reemerge, prompting changes in the US foreign or economic policy at that time. In October, transit Rahu will briefly afflict transit 8th lord Saturn, while transit Saturn and transit Ketu afflict natal Jupiter. These aspects are likely to briefly revive concerns over the economy.
On November 3, transit Rahu will enter Sagittarius and the 6th house while transit Ketu enters Gemini and the 12th house. In these malefic houses, the Moon's nodes are expected to inflict more harm. However, it will only be in 2010 that this is felt in terms of the SAMVA USA chart.
In December, transit 8th lord Saturn will begin to settle into aspect to natal 10th lord Mars in Scorpio and 5th house. At the same time, natal Saturn will afflict transit Jupiter in late Capricorn. This could be a challenging time for the US military. With Saturn becoming stationary around 11° Virgo, the aspect to Mars would be felt into 2010.
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